I hope this is mistaken. I drink Fiji water (despite the NXIVM nexxus) because its high silica content is good for detoxification. I also filter my tap water and drink that, but Fiji is part of my nourishment. I do hope that Fiji water hasn't been weaponized.
Your wife is most likely safe, for a dozen reasons I won't detail here. To giver her courage, advise her to take andrographis supplement morning & night (chondroitin sulfate if you cannot find andrographis). Be sure to take a quality D3+K2 supplement, and top up your vitamin C levels every day through whole foods and/or whole food-based supplements. Then, engage with the world without fear.
>Please fuck off, In Jesus name.
[Monty Python's Life of Brian reference]
"How shall we fuck off, oh Lord?!"
>Could you please post a screenshot like I did from searching 'hillary clinton emails" if you don't mind?
First screenshot is Startpage; second is from Dogpile. Both use Google's search engine but with added functionality. Dogpile accesses several search engines.
>What little i have found out about about emf exposure is one of the things it does is to reduce the bloods ability to uptake oxygen among other things.
EMF exposure at any frequency is harmful to living organisms. The exact type of harms vary depending on intensity and duration of exposure, as well as frequency and signal type. The higher the frequency, the more energy can be conveyed, but for a shorter distance.
Here's the rub which invalidates a lot of the fear porn you'll read about 5G: the effect about which you comment, and the skin disturbances posted about by another anon, are associated with 60GHz emissions. The 5G being installed and activated now isn't using that frequency band (yet). The equipment isn't yet commercially available; in fact, the standard aren't even finalized yet, from which the equipment can be designed. You can check my info at the ieee.com web site, or look at Europe's standards body equivalent. Look at Ericsson's web site (one of the major early 5G equipment suppliers). i would say look at Huawei's web site, but one cannot believe anything coming out of communist China.
So yes, lower your EMF exposure every way you can figure out, but don't jump to falsifiable conclusions about 5G without first discovering the facts.
To find out what's radiating what frequencies and from where, if you're in the USA you can use antennasearch.com
One thing that occurred to me was that Ellen emphasized that FIRST, she must turn them all over. As in, flipping the puzzle-pieces. As in, turning many key players to evil…
>Or there is natural immunity among some mono cultures.
India has a diversity of cultures, languages and ancestral lineages. India is a very varied country. What did you mean by "mono cultures"?
This was posted and notable-d in an earlier bread anon.
>IMO everyone should just go back to flip phones or those indestructible Nokia's.
Not a bad idea. If you want privacy, it's easy to remove the battery from the old flip-phones. Then the phone cannot track and store your location, but you'll still have it with you if you need to use it (which will then reveal your location).
"Smart" phones will track your location even when "off," even while in "airplane mode."