Can you narrow it down a bit Anon?
Good morning, and TYB!
Not seeing much in here Anons.. just some light Commercial Traffic. Not seeing any LE or MED, rotary or fixed wing.
No problem at all Anon. Remember, just because I can't see him, doesn't mean he's not there. MIL can turn off ADSB if they want to be invisible. I've also seen (eyes on) a MIL Fixed Wing with CIV Callsign on ADSB. Spoofed it.
Look at some of the Graphics PF's post. In the top, there is a square Button labeled U .. Press it to toggle CIV on or off. When toggled, CIV hidden, only MIL shows.
Sounds like the formations the Marines fly in. V-22, and the two helos would be a Huey, and a Cobra. Remember as well, if they don't want to be tracked, they simply turn off the ADSB portion of the IFF/Transponder, and you will not see them on this software.
Yes .. and THAT's how I prefer it! ;)
Damm… figures.. I hate Curry!