random, yet related:
It's pretty much the consensus that these are referring to last week (BIG), this week (BIGGER), and next week (BIGGEST).
If anyone is familiar with Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf and her work, she's been saying since 2013 or so that all of the data needed to clean up the financial system, governments, etc, will eventually be released to the public. Her stuff can be a little spotty, new-agey or whatever, yet even she's saying (posted today on FB) that "ALL the data is released next week to the world". So I'll take that as confirmation, she knows what's going on and has been thanking POTUS for his part in draining the swamp. Whether there's a government shutdown or not, I'm of the mind that the 40%/60% is right on time. Hang in there Anons, we're on the right road, and leading the charge!
sauce: https:// m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=376545272770849&id=100012461371454