96% ethanol is NOT required for hand sanitizer. 70% is the ideal proof, but anything from 40-96% works perfectly fine.
This is marketing gobblygoop.
The approved formula uses Ethanol, h2o2, and glycerol.
Every distillery in the nation received guidance from the TTB yesterday.
These distilleries must pay excise tax as they're not denatured manufacturers who usually supply the ethanol for such a product,
because the spirit is potable/food grade this sanitizer will have a vastly higher cost of goods due to state and federal excise tax.
Most distilleries are also beholden to label printers and raw material suppliers (farmers, glass manufacturers, closures/caps, etc.)
2 weeks is wildly optimistic considering the strain on suppliers.
Distilleries that can self print labels and coopt existing packaging will be able to be first to market.
But once the denatured producers catch up distilleries cannot compete due to excise taxes.