>>8474049 /lb
>>8473843 /lb
>>8473901 /lb
The Caduceus staff has been a symbol for flowing infinite energy since before Babylon. The etymology of "Lucifer" -Luz-"light-bringing," from lux (genitive lucis) "light" (from PIE root *leuk- "light, brightness") + ferre "to carry, bear,". The name and identity of Lucifer Pre-dates any Christian notion or association with Satan & abject Evil.
The mythos that spawned the symbology we see around the world really comes from early theological conceptions of what it means to be alive, who we are as humans, why are we here, how can we transcend our baser desires and instincts to elevate ourselves above the fray of suffering. (In addition to observed phenomena yielding distinct symbols in the ancient world)
In the hands of intelligent and compassionate people, these themes and sacred knowledge can be a boon to all that contemplate them. In the hands of idiotic megalomaniac sadists, this tech-knowlogy can and has reeked unfathomable suffering.
>I am not advocating Luciferianism here. Regardless of where you claim to be on your spiritual path, studying the beliefs and motivations of the people that hold power over you is simply the prudent thing to do.
In regards to the character that Hermes plays in the spiritual journey of an individual, a "Psychopomp" is a term used for a Soul-Guide. They are characters that straddle between the realms of the physical and metaphysical, seen & unseen. "Hermes" is linguistically derived from "stone-cairn", which can be thought of as a guide for travelers. Our words and notions surrounding witchcraft and divination are all related to the idea of straddling the boundary between worlds. I think the revulsion many Christians and other fundamentalists today have to even broaching these topics and names is the result of a coordinated effort by those in power to keep these secrets for themselves, and they've done so since Babylon.
<So much more to this than I can concisely write right here.