>Who profited from the Haiti Earthquake disaster and in what specific way did they profit?
>Is it true that the Red Cross raised $500 million dollars but only built six houses with it?
Is it possible that some of the money raised was funnelled into non-public purposes?
When the Red Cross comes in after a disaster, does anyone inspect their ships and planes and cargo containers? Or do they just get a free pass with unrestricted movement?
How many children were orphaned after the Haiti EQ? What happened to them? Does Haiti keep really good birth and death records? If some children disappeared after the earthquake, would anyone have attempted to trace their whereabouts? Did Haiti even have the technical means to do so?
Is it possible, technically, to CAUSE an earthquake in a specific place of a specific magnitude? Tesla thought it was. If such technology exists, who has it? Is it possible that the cabal has such technology?
Anybody remember the huge earthquake that struck the southern hemisphere on the exact same line of longitude as the subsequent Haiti EQ? I remember it. Long before the chan, I was digging earthquakes at the antipodes.
Maybe I still have those files….