Anonymous ID: 264e17 March 19, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.8477402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7441

It is important to remember that the battle against the treasonous scum who are owned by and work for the globalists is - as Q and others have so often pointed out - worldwide!


China's [DS] scum are actually more vile because they have been able to hide in plain sight so much easier among 1.3 billion people in a country that still has areas where the only tv programs they have come from china central television and the many 10's of millions rural residents only want to live and still they have to be financial slaves to visible and present [DS] scum - foreign and domestic.


BUT…here's what I see as positive in what is going on. Just like President Trump, Q and the Q-Team have been following the [DS] scum and their little stooges since before President Trump even announced he was running…China Patriots - of which there are many - including President Xi and those China Patriots around him that orchestrated the change in China politics by giving President Xi the power to operate without worrying about any re-election are ALSO and have been, following the [DS] scum and their operatives within China…for years. There is a battle going on in China for hearts and minds just like there is a battle in America and so many other countries where the people just want to live their lives in safety without being treated as slaves…debt slaves or the horrendous physical slavery that is still endemic in the world.


China's [DS] and their stooges and handlers need to be called out, arrested, jailed…and because it is China where snowflakes are seen as the sick joke they truly are…given the "final solution" and saving society from any future exposure to the CO-2 they had been exhaling. Braindead leftist snowflakes should cheer that - since that will reduce China's carbon footprint.


Just like in America there are traitors in China and just like in America…they are being identified, followed, recorded and the "6 degrees of separation" rule is followed from China to the rest of the world. Anyone who thinks there are no Patriots in China who are also fighting for THEIR nation, THEIR children, THEIR future against the [DS] scum and the globalist pigs who still believe they own the world…are not seeing the reality of what "World-Wide" truly means.


Stay away from all Fear-Porn networks, publications, blogs, court-jester twats or blogs and…breathe!


Do not let the globalist propaganda term "covid-19" escape from your lips or keyboard (hated writing it there…will be the last time) - it is the Wuhan Virus and/or the China Virus or the China [DS] viral warfare Virus and that is even less racist than the "Spanish Flu" which associates with the people and not the country. I haven't heard anyone call it the "Chinese Virus" or the "Chinese Flu" so all the vacuous meat puppets can put their heads back up their asses until they are called upon.