Anonymous ID: 4f8d4d March 19, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.8478130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8150 >>8182 >>8214 >>8815

Guys, please help me out here. Any time I ask about this anywhere, I get ignored. It's almost as if people are afraid to face it.

Someone please explain this video to me.

You might have already seen it. It features examples of what looks like predictive programming for Trump's presidency going back decades. If "they never thought she was going to lose" and 2016 was supposed to be rigged for her, why is a Trump presidency and even a wall predicted in a number of films/shows which are under NWO control? Why did they seemingly predict Trump as president but not HRC? Are we being conned?

I do pretty much believe Q is legit, it's clearly real, and I'm also mostly confident it is what it claims to be too. That said, this video casts doubt in my mind.

The gematria stuff is pretty dubious and I think a lot of 9/11 references are mistaken for being Trump references, but nevertheless President Trump seems to be alluded to long before he became president.

I'm not trying to sow discord, I'm not a shill, I'm just pretty worried about how this video fits in with Q's narrative. Please enlighten me anons.

Anonymous ID: 4f8d4d March 19, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.8478281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8350 >>8381 >>8481


Thanks for the reply anon and I do generally agree with those points. Q is indeed waking up millions of people to their crimes, in a heavily armed populace no less. However that won't matter if this has been part of the NWO script all along. If martial law is declared and they come to take away those who are awake, or if some cataclysmic event unfolds anyway, none of this will have mattered. Q might even be their way of karmically protecting themselves by informing the public of their crimes.

My point is that while Q has indeed awoken many people and seems counterproductive if it's a NWO project, Q followers are not actively trying to take these people down. We're trusting the plan, trusting the WH and military to do it for us. If they use this moment of passivity to wipe out everyone who knows of their Satanic crimes, the huge global awakening will not have mattered. Hope I'm making sense.

Anonymous ID: 4f8d4d March 19, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.8478382   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah the Simpsons predictions are more understandable anyway because you can find just about any prediction you want to in those hundreds and hundreds of varied episodes. But look at some other examples in that video, there's a guy named Trump promising to build a wall in some 50s show, some Back to the Future stuff, etc…

Anonymous ID: 4f8d4d March 19, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.8478460   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know what you mean and agree. The Q community is important. But in relative terms it is also pretty damn inactive considering the scale of the silent war. I'm not inviting violence or anything, I'm saying that there's still time for Q to turn out as a NWO hoax, for them to kill or capture people they consider a threat, and the video I posted about predictive programming for his presidency could be evidence for this.

I deeply wish that Q is legit and mostly believe it is, I'm just practicing caution.