Anonymous ID: 1a68c3 March 19, 2020, 1:50 p.m. No.8479382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9417 >>9424 >>9429 >>9432 >>9451 >>9490 >>9580 >>9582

Anybody else feel like this is going to bring in the New World Order?


Didn't take long for the following:

  • Everyone stays home. No social gatherings. No large groups because of muh virus. Meaning no show of force from militia or patriots since everyone is split into small groups less than 10.

  • Complete tank of the economy. Talk of $1,000 a month to all adults, which is SOCIALISM.

  • Rules regarding business hours of operation and rules about staying home in your house and not going on. Martial law?


This is socialism and martial law hidden in plain sight because of fears created by a virus. Now on the news this morning they're saying something like 30 percent of all people between the ages of 20-65 go to the hospital for this? And it causes permanent lung damage that reduces lung function by 20%?


No, I'm not a fucking shill, but this doesn't feel like winning. Not even close. Where's the plan? This looks more and more like the FEMA camp plan every day and I can see the New World Order rearing its ugly head at the end of this, since it's a "global crisis".

Anonymous ID: 1a68c3 March 19, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.8479473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I want to believe POTUS would not allow that given the good things he's done in the past. But when all you see is losing and fear when you try to find news it is easy to get discouraged. I am trying to stay strong, but this whole situation is terrifying. And I don't see anything good happening. Maybe it's happening and it's just not being reported, but I'd like to KNOW good things are happening and I don't see much of it lately.