Anonymous ID: 76c1f8 March 19, 2020, 1:18 p.m. No.8478976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9013 >>9343 >>9377 >>9456 >>9491 >>9551


Practice Baking

kitchen looking for staff!

be at the front lines in th ebakery

get in here and cake


practice making ne threads here

make as many threads as you like


official Qresearch breads:

download the OP picture - use that as the new thread image

copypaste the pastebin url to a text editor - you will see page breaks, these are the seperate posts

the new thread has a naming format - Q Research General #10xxx: your text here Edition


get in here faggots!

dont be a lame piece of shit like rainman

be MOAR!!!