Anonymous ID: ab25ec March 19, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.8478966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9390

Not to give credence to red text lockdown fag but we did just come from spouseanon's liver doc and were told the lockdown is coming. They were scrambling a bit there. Made us put on masks and gloves.

Had been to internist earlier in the day, she was a microbiologist for 8 years before becoming doc. Initially not allowed to go back with spouseanon, due to memory issues they came and got me. Internist in full ppe, complete with visor and that was after initial phone call for info before coming into room. She said the problem with covid 19 seems to be this 72 window of it being contagious on surfaces. She believes it's going to get worse and lockdown is eminent.

Just fyi irl intel.