Anonymous ID: b44016 March 19, 2020, 1:41 p.m. No.8479249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9347 >>9359

The oxidation of adrenaline to the N-methylindolequinone, adrenochrome, is catalyzed by ferritin iron in the presence of Hz02 at acid pH



>ferritin iron



>When Fe++ was substituted for Fe +++, the colors appeared more slowly; the higher the pH, the more rapid was the color development. Fe++ is able to produce colored complexes with adrenaline as a result of its autoxidation to Fe+++. The colors disappeared on addition of reduced glutathione or hydrosulfite to the solutions and reappeared on subsequent shaking with air.

>Oxidation of Adrenaline in Presence of Fe +++-Al


2 irons studied, regarded as FE+

COVFEFE chemical sign FE


After Epstein, John of God, and NXIVM was all shut down the elites ran out of their pure natural adrenochrome supply. You can still manufacture it synthetically. If you don't get it, there are likely massive withdrawl symptoms. It appears there was a lab producing it in Wuhan ironically. It would be hilarious if the all pedos unknowingly took batches that were tainted/poisoned. It would conveniently identify the users as well. There are a lot of high level elite falling sick all of the sudden, CEO's stepping down, actors leaving the limelight, hollywood producers dropping film production etc




These sick fucks are done