Anonymous ID: d58a6f March 19, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.8479270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9341 >>9426

$10 toilet paper? Coronavirus gouging complaints surge in US


One store advertised hand sanitizer at $60 a bottle. Another was accused of hawking it at $1 a squirt. Chain stores were accused of selling $26 thermometers and face masks at the "everyday low price" of $39.95 a pair, while a convenience store offered toilet paper at $10 a roll next to a sign reading: "This is not a joke."


Across a country where lines are long, some shelves are empty and patience thin, authorities are receiving a surge of reports about people trying to cash in on the coronavirus crisis with outrageous prices, phony cures and other scams. An Associated Press survey of state attorneys general or consumer protection agencies across the country found the number exceeded 5,000, with hundreds more coming in every day.


"Greed is a powerful motivator for some people," said Josh Stein, the attorney general of North Carolina, where the number of reports jumped from 72 to 131 in a day. "It is inexcusable to prey on people in a vulnerable time to make a quick buck."

Anonymous ID: d58a6f March 19, 2020, 1:55 p.m. No.8479456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9547


>get in here and cake

>get in here faggots!

dont be a lame piece of shit like rainmanbe MOAR!!!

Ah 'cake' not bake

Many anons probably shy away from baking, even tho it is super easy, because the current bakers clique is less than

They've got their little freak show going on


To all legit bakers, who don't try to promote their own agenda and are here for the great Great Awakening and make anon posting possible, sincerest thank you