Anonymous ID: 4a3ac2 March 19, 2020, 3:25 p.m. No.8480466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0533 >>0825

Kia Gerber and Imagine singing stars:

for the record I think they may do a mass suicide if and when they think it is all over for them. Ellen coded talk adds to the reasoning. More on that later post. The singing is to COMMS that and or plan for it? As if they all have a plan Z plan? And all the going to Wakanda talk. And the flatten the curve talking point IMO is them telling whomever who can, before they go to "to flatten the curve" which is not about CoronaVirus IMO, they mean all of us sheep/cattle. The Earth they taught us is "curved". "FLATTTEN THE CURVE IMO is COMMS as well. What is the last ditch plan for us?


The celebs singing Yoko Ono/JohnLennon "Imagine" are not singing to the regular viewing public or fans like it seems. They are singing to each other to remind themselves of their ideology. They do not believe in the Heaven Christians believe it. They are using COMMS. Rethink the lyrics. They are speaking to all in the sick club. The video is not for the fans or mass audience, it is for them to comfort and remind thier sick cult what they believe and where they hope to end up. Notice Cindy Crawfords daughter is in there. You know the one that was tied to a chair naked and gagged as a child and was seen by somoene who was not supposed to see that event and the also corrupt police in CA made it look like it was something else and Cindy Crawford and her husband skated on any investigation. Kia Gerber, Cindy's daughter is one of the BORN INTO IT. Cindy is tied to RM#23 celeb back door prostitution book/Sanela Diana Jenkins/George Clooney.


No possessions is an important line

because you cannot take it with you


Kia is also in a couple of the Instagram pics that were related to the bbiankaa/ ray chandler friends series of pics we dug on way back along with other famous "models." The links are via Walter Pearce/Shadrinsky/Bbiankaa



Yoko Ono

Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

living for today

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people living life in peace, you

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope some day you'll join us

And the world will be as one


no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope some day you'll join us

And the world will be as one


Old stuff: ray chandler digs

connect everybody/notice Models Kia gerber and bella hadid:

Anonymous ID: 4a3ac2 March 19, 2020, 3:47 p.m. No.8480740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0877


"floating "hospital" with Red Cross


will be a floating prision

and with their corrupt symbology in their faces

as they are walked on or wheeled on off of dry land.

One on both coasts wich is great synbology for the "coastal" elites.


hahahaha I am loving this all

Anonymous ID: 4a3ac2 March 19, 2020, 3:54 p.m. No.8480825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0852

i think more sinister


white refers to all the ones who are not them/DARK



turn it, all of us off

and she asks if all are dancing in one video???

they use majik

same as the song all the little black kids sang while bush jr was in the classroom as they hit the towers

it is chanting.

Dancing does something as well.

Why would she ask are you dancing while all of this to the ones she is facetiming?

I think they are getting the last big thing in place as they have rituals they follow for everything.

It is some kind of energy or vibration thing.



