Anonymous ID: f75ec9 March 19, 2020, 3:43 p.m. No.8480689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0700 >>0745 >>0802 >>1045


hmmm. Q said no when an anon asked if JFKjr was alive.

legally speaking if a death cert. is issued the person is legally dead.

if the person is actually alive, they are still dead legally until the correction is made by govt entity taking person off deceased list.

the name of a person is given legality by issuance of the birth cert.

so the homo sapien once known by the name jfk jr may be alive, but the name is legally dead.

don't want to get into VF discussions but if who some anons potsed pics of were fusco and his wife did look like jfk jr and his wife.

also when jfy was 187d i think the mob had a pact to do their best to protect them, AO being a high level mob figure, the mafia is part of the mob, the italian part so again if the 4 fuscos died, papers were issued saying their names died, but the biological people behind the fusco name may be well?

to discount anything that not fully debunkable/provable is selling oneself short, laugh or ignore but anything is possible.

my grandmother said her greatest surprise in life was water selling for more than pepsi cola. she would have been 100% sure that was not possible as a child.

Anonymous ID: f75ec9 March 19, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.8480891   🗄️.is 🔗kun


if we don't extend the war tax we won't, should not be hard to do, techinically income tax may be unconstitutional.

we were supposed to get out federal revenue from a single source…

TARIFFS in trade.

Step 1 completed.

Step 2 (pending)?

With 0% on treasuries we can gain support for repealing the war tax, aka/income tax!!!!

Anonymous ID: f75ec9 March 19, 2020, 4:12 p.m. No.8481025   🗄️.is 🔗kun


when laws and text rule our western society, technicalities become very meaningful. good point.


i would just love for him to see justice for what they did to jfk and him.

if anyone can deliver justice i think potus can!

what if hrc and her people went down for that, historic maybe biblical.