Anonymous ID: 7905f6 March 19, 2020, 7:05 p.m. No.8482986   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Will be 60/40. With we only are given 40%. But when Q said the remaining 60% will be something that if we want to pursue(choose to know), it we can suss it out. BUT, I have a feeling that we will get no help from Q or the powers that be. Q said as much. “The choice to know will be yours.” But that 60% shit, will, some of it, be “ratlined” into oblivion by willful disinformation. It will never be acknowledged. It will be like the 9/11 info people have educated themselves on and, who call bullshit on it, never revealed. Cuz muh world will fall apart.


Be happy with the 40% if you get it. That 60% stuff? Nope.

Anonymous ID: 7905f6 March 19, 2020, 7:24 p.m. No.8483215   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fricken Depp has such an hard-on idol crush on Keith Richards that he has gone trying to look emaciated now? Ever since Pirates, he modeled his gestures on Richards, he plays in his own vanity band, was dressing like Richards, now the emaciated look. Looks fake tho- like he had surgery becuz onlydoing heroin for years could really get that authentic look. What a faggot.