Anonymous ID: 6b4cb5 March 19, 2020, 9:25 p.m. No.8484597   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A week old.

All is now confirmed.

Pit boys picked up on it.


OK Anons I figured this stock market shit out with a little literary license. The primary sauce that put this all together is here:


OK, so, there are some LTCM tier geniuses doing a highly levered "EZ money" trade (picking up nickles in front of a steam roller kinda thang) that obviously got way too big before the coke snortering financial geniuses asked the Supra genius computer model builder just precisely how, in the ever loving FUCK, are we the largest player in this space by several orders of magnitude?


When the MIT rice ball answered "Well, in theory it shouldn't matter as long we aren't the only ones.", a pin hit the ground like a meteor.


This went over like the Hiddenburg, and an NDA later, Supra genius was on leave.


As the geniuses looked at the computer generated horror on their books, they knew they had to de-lever, But how?


Slowly with variety. But the sales weren't bringing in enough cash. By August bankers and others got a wiff of something not right, and stopped over night lending as the fear of an unknown zombie staggering through the markets spooked them.


Now our geniuses couldn't borrow interbank to cover cash shotages every night. Rates spiked.


The Fed sent a still and some shiners to the overnight repo market and handed out cups of of high proof shine, then bottles, to settle things. But never bothered to look at the emergency repo users. I mean the Fed is only the chief regulator.


When Muh Corona hit, our geniuses got Ebola. Finally with their daily sales negative for months (because the winning bet they made was now a losing bet and their entire book was that trade) and rapidly declining they could no longer try to escape Kharon, and dumped it all.


Every fucking chart went twi-light zone as that which cannot happen was happening in several places at once. So the panic hit and hair on fire sales puked every where. At the same time WHO disaster bonds expired and the oligarchs making EZ dosh parking money in those bonds got their lunch money back, so the WHO called Muh Carona a pandemic, weeks late


And here we are. These geniuses were the market contagion, the black swan hoping to escape. They need to be discovered, exposed, short trialed and draw and quartered.


Yeah the Fed is Bubbles R Us, but fucks like this need violent death to discourage other geniuses in the future.