The great thing about doing this stuff is it doesn't matter at all
if it is "true" or "correct" in whole or in part, it is always a very
enjoyable red fox hunt, tally ho! Lynn!!!
If the USMC are not responsible for this as part of the psyop
they could pretend they are cos it is pretty cool (anon
thinks this is something akin to Achilles taking off Apollos head
on the approaches to Troy) and definitely bad ass.
So this is really a tribute to the USMC because even assuming
its all in my head it's actually credible. The earthquake and this
were at least two facets of the same operation. Don't know. It
is a heck of a show though! My heart leapt and I started to laugh
when the marine sniper hypothesis suggested itself
this is exactly the kind of thing they would do and it shows
patriots are in control if they can make the earth shake its very Henry V