Anonymous ID: 311e68 March 20, 2020, 5:27 a.m. No.8487500   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7516 >>7649 >>7911





some interest in topic of BP and Standard Oil. i have first hand knowledge of biz, and i will throw out some ideas. from the perspective that S.O. was in fact competing with BP. (they may have been secretly aligned)

-around time (just prior to?) Fed Reserve founding S.O. trust was dissolved by US Supreme Court. S.O. had 90% market share. The largest companies formed were exxon s.o. of NJ (rockefellers base), mobil s.o. of NY (largely run by those in longshoreman, teamsters and irish mob who helped rockefeller gain control), chevron s.o. of california, amoco s.o. of indiana.

100+ years later the big companies broken off retained the same % ratios/size relative to their % of S.O. Trust, it was a managed long term event. Just before 2000 (think 9-11) they to a large degree remerged.

-S.O. openly competed with BP in global exploration, but not domestically and BP back then anglo persian oil and S.O. had a secret deal called the red line agreement, whereby they would not allow anyone or themselves explore south of iran for oil. They knew there was alot of oil and did not want to break supply/demand curves.

-A group of former S.O. companies did that and violated red line agreement, a shot across the bow. They rose house of saud to power and created SA from bedouin tribes who had no nations, to control their newly found oil. major holders were esso(S.O. exxon), mobil, Amoco maybe, but between Exxon, Mobil Rockefeller had majority control.

-I think Mobil competed heavy with Rockefellers exxon and gained alot of power of SA and the Fahd when a average joe named Tavlarios from brooklyn became mobils chairman out of nowhere and gained tremendous favor with the Fahd. weakening Exxons position.

  • When exxon mobil merged it likely was in anticipation of 9-11 and the global DS (i consider exxonmobil national DS patriots domestically however funny that sounds, the DS now is the Global DS trying to take out the Rockefeller original DS)

  • It was all about a global carbon tax that exxon mobil resisted, the shadow war is between the crown/global DS and exxonmobil (think tillerson w/trump DS yes but not global)

  • HRC and BO pushed UN carbon tax exxonmobil resisted, schneidermann ag NY sues and GS goes after exxonmobil to harm with social causes.

  • Potus gets in schneidermann gets removed in sex scandal, retaliation trump hits back.

  • Trump admires mobil especially, mobil people gained great power with merger, likely taking throne from aging rockefeller family.

  • Why did trump go with Tillerson and treated him like sessions publically, i say to this day optics.

  • No group had more power pre 2000 in washington than exxon/mobil combined, bush was loyal to BP and Crown due to his bloodline and link to peerage, after all h.w. is in honor of herbert walker, prescott friend nazi and memebr of peerage.

  • Bush tried to take over exxon mobil and all after him were controlled by the Crown/London Bankers.

  • Who had the most influence over Dept of Energy than exxon/mobil, noone, but tides turned and NO ONE knew better that the country was being stolen and taken over after 2000 by DS Globalists not aligned with american success as exxonmobil certainly were.

  • Q clearance D.O.E. Tillerson named after BO/HRC try to take exxonmobil down think about itโ€ฆโ€ฆ

  • Exxonmobil is imho a key part of the Q plan, potentially the originators who coordinated with US Mil to address the threat.

Anonymous ID: 311e68 March 20, 2020, 6:01 a.m. No.8487709   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


nice anon, family knew one of his sons who ended up high up in a paint company.

base stock for good pain oil of course!

my aunts and uncles say great family,

any knowledge of brooklyn power from the early 1900s thorough tavoularears?