Anonymous ID: 3ad2c4 March 20, 2020, 6:42 a.m. No.8488016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8067

What about Dogs and Puppies regarding Qanon and the Cabal?


"Every Dog has its day?"


Here the Tweet by Anthony Bourdain, shortly before getting suicided…


Are dogs a kind of emergency supply for the adrenochrome consumers, in case their supply line gets broken?


HRC eating puppies… is it really impossible?


Who are the high profile people posting about dogs all day long?


Oprah Winfrey seems to have an awful lot of dogs…


Emergency Supply for bad times?


In china, they torture dogs before they eat them intentionally by hanging them on a tree and beating them with a stick till they suffocate…


It is a sick and evil world out there, I would not be surprised to learn puppies are their plan B food in case no "abored" kids are available.

