Anonymous ID: 4e853b March 20, 2020, 5:20 a.m. No.8487460   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


very sad story.

it explains an odd Equestrian reference than an anon made last evening. Is there a tie in to horse raising, horse people, and the virus? again, sounds like a stretch. But I know of someone who has a lot of horses in her beautiful farm who is self-quarantining, almost as if she hiding from something else too.

Anonymous ID: 4e853b March 20, 2020, 5:24 a.m. No.8487482   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


The birtday of rome is April 21.

when is Hitler's birthday?

Wouldn't it be nice if she was out of power by that date this year? And maybe get a Pope who isnt' a political stooge for the left.


I don't remeber if Hitler's birthday is April 20 or April 21. I know that supposedly the Armenian Halloucaust (is there another name for that period of history) started on the same day that was celebrated for something else in europe and an old Armenian woman was said to be very upset how no one remembered what happened to her family on the same day!

Anonymous ID: 4e853b March 20, 2020, 5:34 a.m. No.8487525   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7558


Very Interesting!

Reminds me of that song 'Stand by Me' by Ben E. King.

did you know that Pink Floyd song 'Fearless' from the Meddal album is said to be a response to the song "You'll never walk alone" I believe in the liner notes for the album . . .


ah, supposedly you can hear "you'll never walk alone" being sung by a football crowd in the song Fearless.

Anonymous ID: 4e853b March 20, 2020, 5:37 a.m. No.8487552   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7563 >>7867 >>7943


if you aren't inspired to read it then maybe you are right to not.You were trained to reject it, and you are following the programming that was done to you by the horrible peopel who had charge over you.

youre ego is standing in your way. You act as if it's all about you. Instead of learning the story, History, that the Bible gives, you say 'someone was bad so I reject this'

there is no logic to that manner of considering what The Bible can bring to you. It's like if there were fruit hanging from the trees all around, you're starving, and you don't look up to see the fruit. The Bible is full of free fruit and food for the soul!

you have every right to ignore it. But the hunger will get you then.

Anonymous ID: 4e853b March 20, 2020, 5:43 a.m. No.8487590   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7618


Like I said in my response to the other anon, or did you IP hop, it's your right to ignore it. But if you feel hunger, the Bible is full of fruit and food for the soul: the story that is good to hear and know.

I wasn't discussing 'this movement', I was discussing the soul and the food for it that The Bible brings to you for free.

Anonymous ID: 4e853b March 20, 2020, 5:49 a.m. No.8487631   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7652


it does make sense that randomly people would be doing their transfers, etc, as needed. If everyone ran to do it at once, and there is a higher number than usual, that might indicate some kind of collusion or insider dealing.

anyone who profiteers in a position of such importance, like a senator, better be a very generous person afterwards. If you end up with all the chips, you need to anti up to your peeps or they will vote you the hell out of office.

Anonymous ID: 4e853b March 20, 2020, 5:55 a.m. No.8487664   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I was horrified last night to realize at about 1 AM that most everyone else in the bread was a shill of one kind or another.

So we must be still relevant. Weird, we stuck it out for two years and they show up in a day and think that they can chase us out of here with boring shilling and ego-shills who claim to be famous people.

Anonymous ID: 4e853b March 20, 2020, 6:04 a.m. No.8487722   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7760


so you are saying she comes from a line of people from 1757?

I always figured it was the line of the Daughphin (SP) who was the heir to the throne.

I see a lot of pictures in this painting that show the manner of the period that the painting is from, and how they interpreted Ancient Rome. It doesnt' say 'Ancient Rome' to me it says 'French Aristocracy'.

So is that what you are saying? she's a descendant from French Aristocrats from 1803 who made a deal with Jefferson to come and be secret kings in parts of America? The paymasters (P) if you will?

Anonymous ID: 4e853b March 20, 2020, 6:15 a.m. No.8487807   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Tarot were a way to store information encoded in symbols that was out of sight of the censors and those who would suppress that information.

what you do with the cards is up to you. If you want to do evil and try and get an undue edge on others by 'devining' and plotting with them, then you decided to do that. The cards didn't make you. The cards are mnemonics, chaulk full of good ideas and associations.

Anonymous ID: 4e853b March 20, 2020, 6:28 a.m. No.8487906   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


did you expect me to convince you to unclog your ears in a shitpost?

If you need the Bible, it's there for you anon. I've never said you have to read it. And as for religion: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

That last one is what you might find in humble people. That quest for them is religious. I can't see that you'd reject that?

It's there when you need it, anon. It's full of all kinds of interesting and useful information. It's all up to you, if the Spirit inspires you to pick it up.

I am not a Gnostic, anon. If the Spirit does not bring you to The Gospels, it will bring you something else. He is a shepard with many folds.