Anonymous ID: 80d227 March 20, 2020, 5 a.m. No.8487322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7401 >>7748 >>7755


Where is Dr. Fauci? Talking coronavirus with Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook Live.


Mark Zuckerberg livestreamed an interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci in which the nation’s leading expert on infectious diseases addressed urgent concerns of Americans as the coronavirus continues to spread.


Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, spoke with the Facebook CEO live on Facebook on Thursday after "Where is Dr. Fauci?" trended on Twitter when Fauci did not appear at a White House news conference.


In his just-the-facts style, Fauci told viewers he expects social distancing and shelter-in- place measures to extend beyond 15 days. The U.S. is still in the "escalation phase" and how effective we are at fighting the virus will depend on how much we distance ourselves from one another, he said.


Fauci also emphasized that everyone should limit their exposure to others, including teenagers and young adults.

Anonymous ID: 80d227 March 20, 2020, 5:05 a.m. No.8487362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7373


Tonight we are raising money for @SavetheChildren

  • Follow them on Instagram for more info or click the Donate button on the YouTube video!

Anonymous ID: 80d227 March 20, 2020, 5:17 a.m. No.8487436   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Teilhard perceived a directionality in evolution along an axis of increasing Complexity/Consciousness. For Teilhard, the noosphere is the sphere of thought encircling the earth that has emerged through evolution as a consequence of this growth in complexity / consciousness. The noosphere is therefore as much part of nature as the barysphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. As a result, Teilhard sees the "social phenomenon [as] the culmination of and not the attenuation of the biological phenomenon." These social phenomena are part of the noosphere and include, for example, legal, educational, religious, research, industrial and technological systems. In this sense, the noosphere emerges through and is constituted by the interaction of human minds. The noosphere thus grows in step with the organization of the human mass in relation to itself as it populates the earth. Teilhard argued the noosphere evolves towards ever greater personalisation, individuation and unification of its elements. He saw the Christian notion of love as being the principal driver of noogenesis. Evolution would culminate in the Omega Point—an apex of thought/consciousness—which he identified with the eschatological return of Christ.

Anonymous ID: 80d227 March 20, 2020, 5:34 a.m. No.8487534   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Children – both male and female, and mostly a few weeks old – were sacrificed by the Carthaginians at locations known as tophets. The practice was also carried out by their neighbours at other Phoenician colonies in Sicily, Sardinia and Malta. Dedications from the children's parents to the gods are inscribed on slabs of stone above their cremated remains, ending with the explanation that the god or gods concerned had 'heard my voice and blessed me'.

Anonymous ID: 80d227 March 20, 2020, 5:53 a.m. No.8487656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7838 >>7978 >>8026



Inside Italy's nightmarish coronavirus wards: Terrifying footage shows patients in bubble helmets struggling to breathe as doctors warn their best efforts are 'not enough' after fatalities soared by 475 to 3,405 - HIGHER even than China


Desperate Italian medics at the coronavirus epicentre told how all their efforts 'are not enough' as their country's death toll soared above that of even China.


The number of fatalities there hit 3,405 yesterday, the highest in the world, despite the valiant efforts of shattered doctors to keep the ailing victims of the virus alive.


A shocking Sky News report showed the hectic scenes inside the Papa Giovanni XXII hospital in the crisis-hit area of Bergamo in Lombardy, with staff rushing through wards with beds full of patients in distress.


Horrifying video footage showed people gasping for air while holding onto their chests and tubes amid a constant bleep of heart monitors and breathing pumps, with other patients wearing 'bubble helmets' to help them breathe.

Anonymous ID: 80d227 March 20, 2020, 6:17 a.m. No.8487829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7843




“I’m only aware of what I’ve read in the press, and I can’t speculate, Prince Alwaleed has been an important partner in my foundation’s work to ensure that kids around the world receive life-saving vaccinations. We’ve worked together to help stop the spread of polio, measles, and other preventable diseases. His commitment to philanthropy is inspiring.”

Anonymous ID: 80d227 March 20, 2020, 6:18 a.m. No.8487843   🗄️.is 🔗kun


<“I’m only aware of what I’ve read in the press, and I can’t speculate, Prince Alwaleed has been an important partner in my foundation’s work to ensure that kids around the world receive life-saving vaccinations. We’ve worked together to help stop the spread of polio, measles, and other preventable diseases. His commitment to philanthropy is inspiring.”

Anonymous ID: 80d227 March 20, 2020, 6:21 a.m. No.8487863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Coronavirus cases spike as six people are

admitted to intensive care


He said: 'Our liberties and human rights need to be changed, curtailed, infringed — use whatever word you want.


'I am concerned about people not following the advice.


'There are still too many people being witnessed on our streets, in our bars, in our cafés, using the Tube, using our buses.'


The Mayor said he would be working from home, 'wherever possible', to 'set the best possible example' as he told Londoners to do the same.


Mr Khan added: 'The advice from the government is just advice, and I think that provides a mixed message.


'We may move to a situation where we move from advice to bans.


'I can't say this clearly enough. People should not be travelling by any means unless they absolutely must. The scientific advice on this is very clear.


'Londoners should be avoiding social interaction unless absolutely necessary, and this includes avoiding using the transport network.'


The mayor told the London Assembly that all residents of the capital should 'strictly follow' the official advice and added that he would be working from home as much as possible.


He said: 'We are clearly still in the early phase of this crisis but the spread of the virus is at a more advanced stage in London than in other parts of the country.


'This means that further measures will need to be introduced at the point at which they will have the biggest effect.


'I can assure Londoners that this is under constant review by the experts.'


Mr Khan also suggested transport in the capital could be scaled back even further.


It has already been announced that up to 40 stations which do not interchange with other lines could be closed while the Waterloo and City line and Night Tube services will not run from Friday.


But the Mayor of London said: 'I want to be clear now that the frequency of services is likely to continue to reduce, potentially very significantly, over the days and weeks ahead.


'We will do this in a way that makes sure essential workers can still get around and we will not reduce service levels so that the remaining trains and buses are crowded.'

Anonymous ID: 80d227 March 20, 2020, 6:26 a.m. No.8487896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7904 >>7912 >>7928




Donald Trump will close the southern border to all but 'essential travel' bringing Mexico in line with Canada today as homeland security boss says tourism and recreation need to STOP


Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said the U.S. will close its southern border with Mexico on Friday to all but cargo and essential travel.


The moves comes after President Donald Trump closed the United States' norther border with Canada earlier this week.


'We're looking at both our northern and our southern border,' Wolf told reporters outside the White House Friday morning.


He noted officials were 'really looking at limiting non essential travel across that border. We want to make sure that cargo continues, trade continues, healthcare workers continue to be able to traverse that border. But tourism, recreational activities, and other things need to stop during this.'

Anonymous ID: 80d227 March 20, 2020, 6:51 a.m. No.8488085   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Rita Wilson was born as Margarita Ibrahimoff in Hollywood, California and grew up there. Her mother, Dorothea Tzigkou, was Greek, raised in Sotirë near Dropull i Sipërm in Albania, close to the border with Greece. Her father, Hassan Halilov Ibrahimoff (1920–2009), was a Bulgarian Muslim (Pomak) born in Oraio (Breshtene), Greece, close to the border with Bulgaria. Her father's family moved to Bulgaria when he was a child. He moved from Bulgaria to the US in 1949. He converted from Islam to Orthodox Christianity upon his marriage and changed his name to Allan Wilson in 1960, choosing his name after a local street. Wilson was raised in the Greek Orthodox faith. In addition to Bulgarian, her father could speak "Russian, Turkish, Polish, Greek, a little bit of Italian, a little bit of French" according to Wilson's husband Tom Hanks, who said he modeled his portrayal of the character Viktor Navorski in the film The Terminal on his father-in-law.