Anonymous ID: c3328d March 20, 2020, 6:49 a.m. No.8488075   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Charlatan, bank robber, home wrecker, good friend of Alex Jones who had Viktor on his shows and even dedicated entire shows to his book "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" which is filled with a hodge podge assortment of History that any good anon could dig and find.


Alex Jones is a Vatican Jesuit Gatekeeper who anons and even Q relate as a Mos Agent yet wait until you find out who controls MOS.


Some really poor researchers consider Schoof I mean SPRINGMEIER to be an excellent source of data and this includes INTHEMATRIXXX aka Jefferey Pederson.


Q has said nothing about this.


I guess some disinfo is necessary.

Would not want to shock the Catholic monkeys it seems.


I am getting tired…. REAL FUCKING TIRED of trying to warn anons about these PAYtriots when Q could just end it by saying what P =….


So simple, so easy or not?

What's the problem Q?

Owl have your tongue?

Is it fine that anons are led astray by people like this?

We outed MAGA COALITION, ALEX JONES and others so don't tell me about dividing…. these people ARE the true dividers.


LIARS, THIEVES leading a bunch of rookies and gullible people around by the nose and no one seems to care, no one but a few stupid anons like me.


There is INTHEMATRIXXX wearing red high heels yet it was for a charity event anon think nothing about that coincidence….


Oh look, there is Viktor on TRAITOR/PAWN Alex Jones show dozens of times.


Oh look, there is Jeffrey and his cool dude bro SHADY at the RAMTHA CULT EVENT that they got paid to attend and signed a NDA assuring that they would never talk about it.


What was a main topic of discourse that night?



Oh look, there is Viktor' mug shot but he was framed anon, think nothing of it.


Yeah folks…. many of this movements "hero's" are con men.


Your welcomed…. feel free to hate me for it as that is usually what we get for our trouble.