Anonymous ID: fbcc57 March 20, 2020, 6:40 a.m. No.8488010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8036

Hey Bible fags- answer me this. How are we to trust the Bible when


1) ya'll can't even agree on it's interpretation yet all claim to definitively know the Word of God without question because "the Bible tells us so".


2)If the satanic death cult has been overtly or covertly running the world since the fall, what makes you think that the Bible magically made it through unaltered? Wouldn't it make sense that those trying to control a population do that through the manipulation of a sacred text?


3) Q said the truth would put 99% of the population in the hospital. He is speaking about more than cannibalism, human sacrifice and Satan worshiping. It's going to be Biblical as in the true writings in the Bible, not this watered down, altered, confusing, contradicting version we are spoon feed nowadays.