Anonymous ID: 212e0c March 20, 2020, 7:09 a.m. No.8488207   🗄️.is 🔗kun


xom never misssed a div.

conoco phillips i am not sure they were ever part of S.O., conoco was divested from dupont.

they all lined up to take over xom is what i heard.

theme here is S.O. defending america as ironic as that may sound vs the globalists i think.

Anonymous ID: 212e0c March 20, 2020, 7:38 a.m. No.8488461   🗄️.is 🔗kun


germany is saxe coburn gotha royals.

took over power from anglican royalty as they moved west to conquer the west.

thats the big picture of all of it.

quigley wrote a little about it.

the 'attempted' demise of the west was inevitable due to the fact germanic royalty and culture does not coincide with western civilization that we developed under anglican and franco, spanish royalty.

they do not agreee with private land ownership, liberty,etc. the things that distinguish the west from most of the world.

Anonymous ID: 212e0c March 20, 2020, 7:53 a.m. No.8488580   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'wanted to post about The big picture of history and the invasion of the west by germanic tribes/royalty.

The root of what is happening today can be macro based upon one simple trend.

Western civilization and american culture is being encroached upon by the germanic mindest.

Quigley held the position that germany is not part of western civilization as know it and as how it developed.

Western Civilization is identified with notable things such as private property and land ownership and individual liberty.

The past Kings of England, France, Spain, mostly adhered to these beliefs, and honored them.

Americas founding was established to protect these constitutionally because these characteristics were slowly being encroached upon by Eastern Kings and tribes moving west and changing the systems we hold dear.

What we are seeing in america today is the mindset of germanic royalty overtaking us.

WW1 and WW2 allowed them to take over Europe and we can see now that it is becoming socialist and moving swiftly towards loss of liberty, inability to own private land and a totalitarian govt system (brussels EU).

Potus is allowing us to take our last stand.

The english kings were conquered by the Germanic Kings and that set in motion the fall of the west.

Quigley predicted this would accelerate with the fall of the berlin wall, when the germanic royalty could utilize the full force of the the communist peoples and unleash them on europe and america

They have europe in their full grip and are trying to take america.

Everything we see today and in the past few hundred years (wars) is a result of this migration of people and power, replacing western kings with theirs and our liberty with their totalitarian control, however they try to mask it.