Anonymous ID: 277dc3 March 20, 2020, 7:57 a.m. No.8488612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8636 >>8648

Good luck Germananons


Germany says coronavirus LOCKDOWN will happen if people continue to socialize & Saturday’s the ‘decisive’ test


20 Mar, 2020 13:02


Saturday will be the crucial day for German officials to decide whether a strict lockdown is needed to slow the spread of Covid-19 – and the decision will depend on whether people can voluntarily rein in their socializing or not.

“We will look at the behavior of the population this weekend,” Angela Merkel’s chief of staff Helge Braun told Der Spiegel on Friday, adding that Saturday will be the “decisive” day with authorities keeping a “close eye” on how people act.


Germans are already under instruction to stay indoors and avoid the usual mixing and mingling with others, as the novel coronavirus spreads rapidly in the country. Pubs, clubs and non-essential shops have already been closed and large gatherings have been banned by some German states — but there is no official national lockdown of the kind that has been imposed in France, Spain and Italy, and many people are still meeting outdoors in large groups.


Braun said normal socializing “must be stopped now” and, if that doesn’t happen, it’s possible that “more far-reaching measures” will be implemented — yet so far it seems that responsibility to restrict movement lies with the individual.