Anonymous ID: 6cceb1 March 20, 2020, 6:52 a.m. No.8488090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8099 >>8107 >>8118 >>8655

What did trump and the rest of them know in January? And WHY DID TRUMP LIE TO ALL OF US USA CITIZENS!?! Why didn’t trump prepare by securing masks and tests? Us citizens demand to know! Every single USA politician (including trump) should resign when this all over. They completely failed all us all!

Do you know why there is a 19 in covid 19? Look into it. We saw this coming a mile away.


Do not let any members of Congress, Senate, local politicians, state politicians, the White House and/or the trump/kushner clan fool & divide you! This was a complete failure to plan and prepare on the part of every politician; all state, local, federal and White House staff including president trump failed! All sides of the aisle failed us, the USA citizens!!! Not a left failure. Not a right failure! The corrupt inept ignorant self serving greedy evil politicians have failed every USA citizen! Failure to adequately prepare and lead; a complete failure!!! Simple as that. When this virus STORM passes, every politician in the USA should resign in shame! As for the deliverance of Justice — GOD IS ALWAYS IN CHARGE AND GOD WILL ALWAYS HUMBLE AND BRING THE EGOTISTICAL, EVIL, CORRUPT & GREEDY TO THEIR KNEES!!!🇺🇸


Waking up is hard to do? With that said, better wake up NOW!

Anonymous ID: 6cceb1 March 20, 2020, 6:58 a.m. No.8488136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8143

Thank You My Friends and Fellow Patriots. May God bless You & Yours! To all My Fellow Military Vets, Members & Families — hang in there, heads high! If you and/or your Spirit ever “gets down”, PLAY THIS SONG AS LOUD AS YOU CAN until YOU AGAIN FEEL LIKE THE WARRIOR YOU ARE AND WERE BORN TO BE! To all civilians out there — in these critical times, please keep an eye on any and all USA military members and families you know! Most USA Military Families, Members and Vets have it hard enough as it is! To all My Fellow USA Military Vets, Members & Families — May God bless you & yours Always and Forever!🇺🇸 Link: (if a fellow Patriot would like to embed, thank you in advance.)

Anonymous ID: 6cceb1 March 20, 2020, 7:07 a.m. No.8488190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8200 >>8298

trump pissed off the Generals long ago with his public and private disrespect. Now, as the nation falls apart, he is on social media crying like a school girl. like many others, trump is “just” playing a role and trump got fired. trump failed every USA citizen. In an effort to not spook the markets in January, he crashed the ENTIRE COUNTRY in March. Enjoy the show. these are the words that will haunt trump for eternity.


trumps ignorance, arrogance, disrespect of the USA Generals and trumps greed got trump fired. Enjoy the show!


As the USA is falling apart, trump spends more time on social media than a school girl. trump is a real dumbass.


you heard it here first — the USA Generals “fired” trump from his role. best you swallow that pill now!

Anonymous ID: 6cceb1 March 20, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.8488283   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the real dominos are beginning to fall. Prepare yourselves Patriots! Prepare!


this is not a joke!


one by one, with each new test and each new case and shut down — the entire supply chain will come to a hault.


Prepare to go the way of Italy. Full and entire lock/shut down.



Anonymous ID: 6cceb1 March 20, 2020, 7:23 a.m. No.8488328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8352

don the con trump is so full of shit, the USA ran out of toilet paper!


still falling the con man trump? wake up kids!


trump pissed off the Generals long ago with his public and private disrespect. Now, as the nation falls apart, he is on social media crying like a school girl. like many others, trump is “just” playing a role and trump got fired. trump failed every USA citizen. In an effort to not spook the markets in January, he crashed the ENTIRE COUNTRY in March. Enjoy the show. these are the words that will haunt trump for eternity.


trumps ignorance, arrogance, disrespect of the USA Generals and trumps greed got trump fired. Enjoy the show!


As the USA is falling apart, trump spends more time on social media than a school girl. trump is a real dumbass.


you heard it here first — the USA Generals “fired” trump from his role. best you swallow that pill now!

Anonymous ID: 6cceb1 March 20, 2020, 7:35 a.m. No.8488427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8448


You make a good cult member. How does a cult control the cult?


blind sheep get slaughtered. Think about it.


who is “us”…do you have a mouse in your pocket.

Anonymous ID: 6cceb1 March 20, 2020, 8:09 a.m. No.8488716   🗄️.is 🔗kun


do you know why theyis a 19 in covid 19?


we saw this coming a mile away.


why didnt trump secure masks and tests in January?


here is China smacking don the con in the face!


trump pissed off the Generals long ago with his public and private disrespect. Now, as the nation falls apart, he is on social media crying like a school girl. like many others, trump is “just” playing a role and trump got fired. trump failed every USA citizen. In an effort to not spook the markets in January, he crashed the ENTIRE COUNTRY in March. Enjoy the show. these are the words that will haunt trump for eternity.


trumps ignorance, arrogance, disrespect of the USA Generals and trumps greed got trump fired. Enjoy the show!


As the USA is falling apart, trump spends more time on social media than a school girl. trump is a real dumbass.


you heard it here first — the USA Generals “fired” trump from his role. best you swallow that pill now!