Anonymous ID: 71a862 March 20, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.8488110   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One moar time for good measure.




Charlatan, bank robber, home wrecker, good friend of Alex Jones who had Viktor on his shows and even dedicated entire shows to his book "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" which is filled with a hodge podge assortment of History that any good anon could dig and find.


Alex Jones is a Vatican Jesuit Gatekeeper who anons and even Q relate as a Mos Agent yet wait until you find out who controls MOS.


Some really poor researchers consider Schoof I mean SPRINGMEIER to be an excellent source of data and this includes INTHEMATRIXXX aka Jefferey Pederson.


Q has said nothing about this.


I guess some disinfo is necessary.


Would not want to shock the Catholic monkeys it seems.


I am getting tired…. REAL FUCKING TIRED of trying to warn anons about these PAYtriots when Q could just end it by saying what P =….


So simple, so easy or not?


What's the problem Q?


Owl have your tongue?


Is it fine that anons are led astray by people like this?


We outed MAGA COALITION, ALEX JONES and others so don't tell me about dividing…. these people ARE the true dividers.


LIARS, THIEVES leading a bunch of rookies and gullible people around by the nose and no one seems to care, no one but a few stupid anons like me.


There is INTHEMATRIXXX wearing red high heels yet it was for a charity event anon think nothing about that coincidence….


Oh look, there is Viktor on TRAITOR/PAWN Alex Jones show dozens of times.


Oh look, there is Jeffrey and his cool dude bro SHADY at the RAMTHA CULT EVENT that they got paid to attend and signed a NDA assuring that they would never talk about it.


What was a main topic of discourse that night?




Oh look, there is Viktor' mug shot but he was framed anon, think nothing of it.


Yeah folks…. many of this movements "hero's" are con men.


Your welcomed…. feel free to hate me for it as that is usually what we get for our trouble.



Anonymous ID: 71a862 March 20, 2020, 6:59 a.m. No.8488147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Motherfucking Hero's right here, Anons!

real Bunch of Patriots….


people get sucked in, promote their crap and hate to admit they were misled is what happens.


and then they go on to "teach" others!


they want a one stop shop where they do not have to think, loaded with new names and theories to impress their friends and get (you)s with….

Anonymous ID: 71a862 March 20, 2020, 7:02 a.m. No.8488164   🗄️.is 🔗kun

do you smart anons even understand what should happen if P = POPE/VATICAN?


This is why P has to = PAYSEUR otherwise we will burn the whole fucking corrupt temple down but apparently this is not part of the plan….


no replies today shills

move along

Anonymous ID: 71a862 March 20, 2020, 7:09 a.m. No.8488205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8217

so i sit and watch as these parasite cocksuckers are allowed to leach off of my people and my movement!


Can't say anything ever or I am simply dividing….


Always the same

Never a good time to air grievances….

Never a good time just like today as most anons should know what is about to happen yet they are so used to getting their hopes dashed they won't even allow themselves to believe what they have been shown here.

It must be disinfo….

Q did not mean that anon!

They keep saying to me.

Anonymous ID: 71a862 March 20, 2020, 7:20 a.m. No.8488294   🗄️.is 🔗kun

shit anon

something just fell out of the CIA vault!

Lets go read and believe every fucking word of it because the CIA is our fren!

I mean, is that what most anons are thinking?

Trust what the CIA tosses out of the cave for mass consumption?


Oh man yeah that shit must be stock full of truth I mean if the CIA gave it to us.


Hard to handle…. the dumbing down is complete…. mission accomplished.


Ever hear these people talking?

Is "UGH" their favorite word as they think of new lies to tell you and I?

ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh…..

let me see here, rattle through some papers… much research omg its so mind boggling all this truthiness…. we are so fortunate to have Fritz Springmeier on the show today… and last week, and 6 months ago and 2 years ago, same book, because its so fascinating!

Anonymous ID: 71a862 March 20, 2020, 7:32 a.m. No.8488396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8422

and muh matrixxx, muh paytrioxxx is what I call you.

you deserve a bit moar attention

anons deserve to know whether Q tells you or not.

Wouldn't want to divide ya know.

Total fucking disinfo shill but don't want to divide!


P absolutely must = payseur huh Muh Vatican Jesuit Gatekeeper?


bomb bomb bomb bomb bombs away!


You really should try moarer to hide your identity before you decided to shill muh movement DUMBASS….

I mean with very little effort you could say WE HAVE IT ALL….

Anonymous ID: 71a862 March 20, 2020, 8:06 a.m. No.8488690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8756

where did that AWESOME Vatican Jesuit permanent research thread go?




Was that too much truthiness for the gang?

Something I revealed bother someone?


Perhaps it was the fact that each and every day there was another video, another news story or 2 dozen! laying out the crimes of the Vatican RCC and all their priests from all over the world?


Do you know WHY I took all that to a solo thread?


Because most bakers will not bake it!

Some sort of code? secret club? buncha catholics trying to control muh narrative?


I kept records…. screenshots of everything…. even when muh joo shills were allowed if not sometimes encouraged to bake!


You could say that I have it all….


Shill after shill was sent in trying to throw me off balance and what happened every single time?

Pussies, weak minded fucking shills.

Muh Pope!


Muh Faithful!


For them I hope there is a Hell and I will gladly go there if that is what needs to be done to get them to where they belong.


Hey, I tried to warn repeatedly.

These people are sick and some of you are protecting the .org which gave them the power to molest with impunity!


Stand in the way and you will get hurt.


You care about the children? Really?


No, I think most care more about the Reputation of one of, if not THE, most evil organization on this planet moreso than the safety of our future generations.


If this is not fixed nothing is fixed. They will simply bide their time.


Yeah great! Now for some reason we are finally arresting [them] yet who fucking knows why!

I didn't get the memo!

Do they still have diplomatic immunity? = they can fuck our kids and we cant do anything about it?

Will police still turn over these cases to them to investigate as that was the Norm 3-4 years ago.

I know! Crazy right?!

Crazy but true.


Is this why JOE M videos are not up front anymoar as well?


Joe knows that what I am saying is reality.

Joe is one of the few who is brave enough to say it!



and you think I do it for the fucking (you)'s instead of the children!?

