Anonymous ID: 795536 March 20, 2020, 9:38 a.m. No.8489731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9792 >>9963

Dusty proving talent is all you need … No parading around half naked for this lady


You Don't Have To Say You Love Me - Dusty Springfield (Original Soundtrack with Lyrics♪)

Anonymous ID: 795536 March 20, 2020, 9:42 a.m. No.8489786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Math professor: ‘How to predict infections spread is well-known’


The Norwegian Abel Prize in mathematics was awarded yesterday to professor Hillel Furstenberg at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.


He shares the prize with professor Gregory Margulis at Yale University “for pioneering the use of methods from probability and dynamics in group theory, number theory and combinatorics.”


Furstenberg was born in Berlin in 1935 and fled Nazi-Germany in 1939 with his family. He is the first Israeli to win this prestigious prize.


“Furstenberg and Margulis stunned the mathematical world by their ingenious use of probabilistic methods and random walks to solve deep problems in diverse areas of mathematics,” said Hans Munthe-Kaas, chair of the Abel committee.


This year’s Abel Prize Award Ceremony will take place at a later date when King Harald V of Norway will present the Abel Prize to the laureates. The original ceremony, scheduled for May 19, has been postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Anonymous ID: 795536 March 20, 2020, 9:43 a.m. No.8489810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

State-run media acknowledges Tehran's mismanagement of coronavirus outbreak


Iran, March 19, 2020—As the Iranian regime’s mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak continues to take its toll on the lives and health of the Iranian people, the regime’s own state-run media are inevitably confessing to the outrage that the situation has caused among the population.


“We rarely find and news that doesn’t mention coronavirus and we can find few people who are not worried about their loved ones due to this virus. But maybe what is clearer now is the gap that has formed between the system and the people,” wrote the state-run daily Etemad in an interview with one of the so-called reformist figures of the regime.


The newspaper continued: “But how come we reached this? The sayings of a social media users and media outlets in the west is bear more weight that remarks made by our own officials, or sometimes have an equal effect as the official news.”


Iranian regime has tried to downplay the figures and stats of the coronavirus outbreak. The current official death toll in Iran, declared by the government, stands at around 1,100. But the network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside the country has so far recorded more than 6,400 coronavirus fatalities. Many health organizations are also questioning the figures provided by the regime.

Anonymous ID: 795536 March 20, 2020, 9:48 a.m. No.8489903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0262 >>0323

Wicomico and Somerset County fighting for gun rights


MARYLAND–In Wicomico and Somerset Counties, gun rights advocates are taking a stand for what they’re calling their second amendment rights.


“It allows all of us to come together under the same cause for the 2nd amendment and hopefully it will send a big message to the law makers that you know don’t step on our gun rights,” Jamie Wink, Founder of Somerset County 2A Sanctuary, said.


The Wicomico and Somerset County Maryland for Second Amendment Sanctuary groups feel there’s been a constant fight every year to preserve their gun rights.


“Every year it’s the same thing, they put these bills in and try to get them past and they throw anything in there that they can think of,” Wink said.


So this year, they are trying to get Wicomico and Somerset county leaders to pass a second amendment resolution to make the two counties a 2A Sanctuary,

something they said would send a message to law makers that county officials and county sheriffs won’t back new unconstitutional gun laws.

Anonymous ID: 795536 March 20, 2020, 9:50 a.m. No.8489938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0048 >>0059

Iran’s regime prioritizes repression over public health


Iran, March 20, 2020—As Iran appears to be vying for the status of the country hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic, the regime continues to demonstrate that they are far less concerned with the wellbeing of people than they are with maintaining their hold on power. This was made explicit on March 14, when a regime think tank published an analysis in state media which urged increased militarism as a precaution against the public protests that will result from the mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis.


Of course, the article did not acknowledge such mishandling, but the regime’s incompetence in this matter is difficult to hide. That hasn’t stopped Iranian officials and state media outlets from trying. But over the past couple of weeks, they have been acknowledging ever-greater daily death tolls, bringing the current total to well over 1,000. And on Tuesday, officials floated the idea that “millions” of people could become infected.


That statement was apparently motivated by regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s announcement that important religious shrines would be closed to slow the spread of the disease. But this decision came at least a month after it had already become clear that pilgrimage sites were becoming major vectors of infection for the country and the entire region. The closures are now widely recognized as “too little, too late,” and the regime’s expressed opposition to closing them earlier may have turned the Iranian outbreak into a world-leading crisis.

Anonymous ID: 795536 March 20, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.8489994   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There’s No Pardon for Partisan Hypocrisy

Democratic administrations have used the power in far worse ways than Trump.


Quick, grab the smelling salts and clear the fainting couches.


President Trump’s pardon of conservative author Dinesh D’Souza last week violently triggered Beltway media elites. It’s peanut butter, weed pollen, gluten, manspreading, Chick-fil-A, the national anthem, and Kryptonite all rolled into one giant political allergen. Allow me to administer the rhetorical, metaphorical antihistamine.


To the Washington Post editorial board, President Trump’s use of the pardon is “another show of disrespect for the justice system.” Outspoken D’Souza was the subject of a highly politicized prosecution by former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara (now an anti-Trump #Resistance leader) over campaign-finance violations totaling $20,000. The WaPo punditocracy grudgingly admits that the president “has constitutional power to do this” and that it is “Mr. Trump’s prerogative” to pardon individuals the newspaper considers “unsavory.”

Anonymous ID: 795536 March 20, 2020, 9:59 a.m. No.8490070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0092


Amazing how many people don't know..We've been in a state of emergency in one way or another for years…This is a TEST run…People Trouble is coming


List of national emergencies in the United States


A national emergency is a situation in which a government is empowered to perform actions not normally permitted. The 1976 National Emergencies Act implemented various legal requirements regarding emergencies declared by the President of the United States.[1][2]


Between the enactment of the National Emergencies Act in 1976 through March 13, 2020, 61 emergencies have been declared;[3] 27 have expired while 34 are currently in effect, each having been renewed annually by the president.[4][5][6]

Anonymous ID: 795536 March 20, 2020, 10:03 a.m. No.8490144   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coronavirus: US stocks open higher, part of a global equity rebound

Gains followed a modest recovery Thursday after several sessions of sell-offs and wild swings caused by coronavirus concerns

Earlier, European and Asian markets posted gains as stimulus plans were assembled to respond to the economic disruption


US stocks opened higher Friday, part of a global equities rebound, as investors weighed the coronavirus’ further economic disruption against the stimulus proposals intended to offset it.

The Nasdaq composite index, heavy in tech stocks, rose 3 per cent at the start of trading after futures jumped to the upper trading limit overnight. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Standard &Poor’s 500 index both edged up at the open.

The gains followed a modest recovery Thursday, ending in positive territory after several sessions of wild swings and sell-offs. Investors were awaiting the outcome of discussions among the Trump administration, the Republican-controlled Senate and the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives concerning massive stimulus packages to combat the outbreak.

Anonymous ID: 795536 March 20, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.8490232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0293 >>0323

Trump Has Now Replaced 6 Senior Intel Aides


WASHINGTON—The acting chief of the National Counterterrorism Center and his deputy were fired Wednesday, according to people familiar with the matter, the latest in recent personnel changes that have alarmed current and former officials worried that President Trump is politicizing the U.S. intelligence community.


Russell Travers [above right, during Senate testimony in 2018], a veteran counterterrorism official who took charge of NCTC last summer, was dismissed by Richard Grenell, the acting director of national intelligence, the people said. The White House nominated a new head of NCTC on Wednesday, tapping Christopher Miller, a Pentagon counterterrorism official.


Mr. Grenell, formerly the ambassador to Germany, is seen as a Trump loyalist who has scant intelligence experience. He was named to his post after his predecessor, Joseph Maguire, a retired Navy vice admiral, was berated by the president over how a subordinate briefed lawmakers about Russia’s potential goals in interfering in the 2020 election

Anonymous ID: 795536 March 20, 2020, 10:13 a.m. No.8490276   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘I don’t think so’: Trump skeptical of national coronavirus lockdown


US President Donald Trump says he doesn’t believe a total national lockdown of the US over the coronavirus pandemic will ‘ever’ be necessary, after California and New York told everyone to hole up at home.


A national lockdown would not make sense in places like the Midwest, where there have been far fewer cases of Covid-19 so far, and where the bulk of food and industrial production is concentrated.


“I don’t think so,” Trump said during a Friday press conference, when asked about nationwide lockdown. "I don't think we'll ever have to do that."


President Trump is asked about the possibility of a national lockdown: “I don’t think we’ll ever find that necessary.”

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 20, 2020


Washington has temporarily closed the US borders with Canada and Mexico. Two of the three states with the highest number of cases, California and New York, have already severely limited the movement of their residents in a bid to further slow down the spread of the contagion.

Anonymous ID: 795536 March 20, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.8490329   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Virtue-signaling celebs preaching to the poor to stay home from their mansions is just as insufferable as COVID19


A spurious pandemic that caused suffering to many the world over is spreading - that's right, the 'woke' screen celebrities have infected sports stars with their condescending virtue-signaling to the poor from their mansions.


The infectious smugness emanating from Hollywood’s gaggle of where-do-I-know-that-face-from guardian angels has yet again infected the internet.


The mega-rich self-righteous rabble - which included Natalie Portman and Sarah Silverman - released a clip taking it in turns to murder John Lennon’s 1971 hit ‘Imagine’ wearing woke, smug, saviour-of-the-world smiles.


no offense but aside from the actual virus, this is one of the worst things to result from the pandemic

— Bolu Babalola (@BeeBabs) March 19, 2020


The instigator of the ghastly cover, Israeli actress and faux-activist Gal Gadot of Wonder Woman fame, later upped the oblivious ante by tweeting a photo of herself captioned “staying at home is your superpower” from her walk-in wardrobe flush with designer gear.