Anonymous ID: 835443 March 20, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.8491187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1221 >>1674 >>1881

'Foreign Minister' of Russian Church, Hilarion: The 1917 Russian Revolution Was Prepared Abroad


The Russian Revolution, first the February one and then the October one, were prepared abroad by our Russian intellectuals who lived abroad. Instead of listening to the voice of the Church and turning to the history of our country, they based their ideas on utopian theories which they then tried to impose on our people, to impose on us a matrix alien to our life’.


On March 2, 2012, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk took part in the talk-show ‘The White Guards. Foreward’ on Russia-1 TV channel. It was devoted to the TV serial premiere ‘The White Guards’, a new cinematographic reading of Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel as interpreted by film director Sergey Snezhkin. Producers, historians and writers gathered together to discuss historical developments which preceded the writing of the novel.


As Metropolitan Hilarion noted, the tragedy of the Russian pre-revolution intelligentsia lay in the fact that they were far from the people and the Church. ‘The people and the Church are an inseparable whole. The Church was the core of our people’s life. Look, what our intellectuals taught the people to and from where they taught it. They had left for Paris or Zurich and from there they taught our people how to improve their life. The Russian Revolution, first the February one and then the October one, were prepared abroad by our Russian intellectuals who lived abroad. Instead of listening to the voice of the Church and turning to the history of our country, they based their ideas on utopian theories which they then tried to impose on our people, to impose on us a matrix alien to our life’.


According to the metropolitan, precisely this was the tragedy of the 1917 Revolution, as it took an enormous toll of human life. ‘All this order, all this system was not fit for the living. And these living people had to be cracked and trampled upon in order to make the revolution ideals triumph’.


Responding to a remark by the Russian Federation State Archives S. Mironenko that the metropolitans were the first to recognize the Provisional Government and to identify with the new power, the DECR chairman said that not all the metropolitans supported the 1917 February Revolution. ‘There were differences within the Church. Some sympathized not with revolutionaries but with those who wanted to change the system, but most of the church people did not sympathize with them but actually were against them’. According to Metropolitan Hilarion, the Church did not recognize the Soviet power, pronounced an anathema against it and this was followed by a long and hard period when the Church tried to adjust to the new reality.

Anonymous ID: 835443 March 20, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.8491201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1265 >>1674 >>1735 >>1881

Italy- Vaccinated Area is Hit Worst


"More and more people in Italy have started to think about a correlation between the virus and the vaccines. If true, this means that Italy has been chosen to be a guinea pig for the rest of the worId."


The situation is becoming increasingly dramatic.


Dozens of people are dying every day in Lombardy.


The beautiful town of Bergamo is living its darkest hour. Military trucks are used to transport the corpses to the crematoriums outside the town; doctors and nurses work 20 hours per day; in the hospitals there are no more places in intensive care units; triage (choosing who can be cured and consequently healed and who instead can't be cured because too old or ill) is becoming a common practice.


Nevertheless, I am more and more convinced that coronavirus is only a colossal psy-op. Odd to say that in a moment where people continue dying. But I really think is a psy-op!


In others regions of Italy, where health care system is of a low quality, situation seems relatively quiet, even if the number of infected continue growing; ISS (Istituto Superiore della Sanità) a sort of a National Institute of Health, has just published a report in which it is said that the number of people effectively dead because of coronavirus is very low; media outlets contribute to fan panic by transmitting prevalently movies of catastrophic gender and inform the people how the situation is terrible and that all of us must be stay home…


Coronavirus seems to be a very strong flu with a high degree of mortality: 0.8% rather than 0.2 for a normal flu. But these numbers cannot justify a quarantine for an entire nation.


And in Lombardy the degree of mortality is very, very higher: 6%!


What does it mean? Why is there such a difference in the lethality rate?


Evidently there must be an exogenous element that makes the difference: an element because of which it has become simpler dying for coronavirus in Lombardia, albeit it has the best health care system in Italy, than in other regions of the country.


And what is exogenous element? I fear that it can be a vast program of vaccination occurred in the last months, prevalently just in the towns which today are those which most suffer for the coronavirus.


Now we know that dozens of thousands of people were vaccinated for meningitis. Meningitis has always been rare in Italy but unfortunately in the last years the cases have multiplied because of African migrants who arrived to Italy without any form of medical control.


So many people, scared for the growth of this disease, have preferred to be vaccinated. All of this would explain why at the moment there are very few infections among the immigrants, even between Chinese diaspora. They haven't been vaccinated!


In other words, the vaccine lowers the immune defences of our organism at a such level that the virus can strike with an incredible virulence, otherwise impossible.


Obviously I can't prove all of this. But more and more people in Italy have started to think about a correlation between the virus and the vaccines. If true, this means that Italy has been chosen to be a guinea pig for the rest of the worId.


Striking a limited part of the nation and then imposing a quarantine for the rest of the country… I would call this a stress test. The aim is to verify in a very large scale the reaction of the populace, how easy is it to force people to accept what otherwise they shouldn't ever accept.


In conclusion, this is only a NWO psyop.

Anonymous ID: 835443 March 20, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.8491217   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ISIS Threat Revives in Eastern Syria. Idlib Militants Kill Each Other Over Security Zone Deal Contradictions


ISIS cells are once again active in eastern Syria. Late on March 17, the Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces repelled an ISIS attack in the area between the town of al-Sukhna and the T3 station. The attack involved over two dozen ISIS members supported by at least 6 vehicles equipped with heavy weapons. Pro-opposition sources claim that at least 20 Syrian soldiers were killed in the clashes. Pro-government sources deny casualties and say that terrorists were forced to retreat after they had been targeted by artillery and mortar fire.


The ISIS presence in the desert area of eastern Syria had been slowly decreasing over the past year. Additionally, government forces carried out several security operations cracking down on the remaining ISIS cells in southeastern Deir Ezzor and eastern Homs. However, the terrorist threat was not removed. Syria and Russia say that ISIS members use the US-controlled zone of al-Tanf as a safe haven to hide from Syrian Army operations.


Five civilians were reportedly killed and 15 others injured in a rocket strike on the city of Afrin on March 18. Pro-Turkish sources say that the rockets were launched by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) or affiliated rebels. The YPG created the brand of the Afrin Liberation Forces in December 2018 in order to distance themselves from regular attacks on the Turkish-controlled part of northwestern Syria. In this way, the YPG, which is the core of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, was seeking to distance itself from operations against Turkish forces. The goal was to continue receiving military and financial support from the United States, while simultaneously using the same resources to carry out attacks on the formal ally of the US under another brandname.


Alaa al-Omar, a commander of one of the largest units in the Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sham Movement, was assassinated near Jisr al-Shughur in the southwestern part of Greater Idlib. Al-Omar was among commanders of Turkish proxy groups involved in sabotaging joint Russian-Turkish patrols along the M4 highway. Pro-government sources claim that his assassination is a result of the contradiction between al-Omar’s unit and the al-Qaeda-affiliated Turkistan Islamic Party, which controls Jisr al-Shughur. According to this theory, al-Omar was not active enough in organizing protests against the safe zone deal.


Regardless of the contradictions among the Idlib armed groups, the M4 highway remains closed and the Turkish-Russian agreement on the safe zone in the area is not being implemented.


Meanwhile, the US joined al-Qaeda-led efforts to kill the deal on Idlib. US Secretary Mike Pompeo accused Russia of killing “dozens of Turkish military personnel” and promised “additional measures” to support Turkey in the Idlib question. Apparently, somebody in Washington is very sad that no new Russian-Turkish war has yet taken place in early 2020.

Anonymous ID: 835443 March 20, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.8491241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1314 >>1674 >>1881

US House Rams Through Nicaragua Regime-change Bill with Zero Opposition


Not one member of the House of Representatives spoke up against a bipartisan bill sponsored by hardliners that ramps up US economic warfare and regime-change measures against Nicaragua’s elected government.




As the Donald Trump administration’s year-long coup attempt against Venezuela spirals out in failure, the US government has taken aim at Nicaragua with increasing ferocity, in a bid to topple its democratically elected, leftist Sandinista government.


Washington’s pressure escalated further on March 9 when the US House of Representatives passed a bipartisan resolution in a voice vote without any opposition that demanded more sanctions and aggressive actions against the Nicaraguan government of President Daniel Ortega.


This bill — which received no coverage in the English-language corporate media — refers to Nicaragua’s elected government as the “Ortega regime,” echoing the bellicose rhetoric of the right-wing opposition.


Video of the congressional session, which is embedded at the end of this article, shows that the resolution was pushed through on a voice vote in just around eight minutes. There was no debate of the resolution, and a grand total of zero members of Congress spoke in opposition to it.


The regime-change action in the House followed numerous rounds of suffocating US sanctions on Nicaragua, a small Central American country of just around 6 million people.


In fact, the behavior of US legislators in the latest vote mirrored one in December 2018, when not one member of Congress spoke up against the passage of the Nicaraguan Investment and Conditionality Act (NICA). That bill hit Nicaragua with crippling economic restrictions, preventing international financial institutions from providing loans or assistance to the country’s government.


US sanctions have already caused the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians in Venezuela and Iran. Now that Nicaragua is in the crosshairs, the damage of Washington’s economic warfare has only just begun.


Calling for US and international economic war on Nicaragua


The latest regime-change bill passed against Nicaragua, H.Res.754, was introduced in December 2019 by Representative Albio Sires, a Cuban-American Democrat from New Jersey.


His resolution was co-sponsored by 28 members of Congress, 19 Democrats and nine Republicans. These included Florida Democratic Representatives Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Shalala and California Democrats Jim Costa and Tony Cardenas.


The bill “urges the United States Government to continue to apply pressure on the Ortega government and consider additional sanctions against those Nicaraguan officials” accused by Washington of human rights abuses or corruption.


The resolution goes on to “urge the international community to hold the Ortega government accountable” and “restrict its access to foreign financing.”


Included in the bill is language demanding the Nicaraguan government “immediately release all political prisoners without conditions.”


However, the Sandinista government has already released hundreds of people on its so-called “political prisoner” list, acceding to pressure from the Nicaraguan opposition and its sponsors in the US and OAS. As The Grayzone reported, this list contained the names of numerous violent criminals who had previously carried out murders and rapes, and resulted in the release of an opposition hooligan who went on to stab his own pregnant girlfriend to death.


The US congressional resolution also expressed support for right-wing Nicaraguan opposition organizations, media outlets, and civil society groups, many of which are funded by the US government.


The House’s unanimous approval of this regime-change legislation arrived just four days after the Trump administration imposed another round of sanctions targeting Nicaraguan state institutions.


On March 5, the US embassy ramped up the pressure with a security alert in Nicaragua, imposing travel restrictions on embassy personnel and advising them to stay away from demonstrations and “large groups or barricades.”


The alert was both a tacit admission that the barricades the opposition had erected around the country posed a threat to the safety of all people, including US citizens, as well as a portent of the chaos and violence that Washington apparently aimed to resuscitate in its bid to topple Nicaragua’s government.

Anonymous ID: 835443 March 20, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.8491263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1303 >>1674 >>1881

California Soccer Coach Accused Of Inappropriately Touching Several Students


Riverside, CA — In February, deputies were notified that a Coachella Valley Unified School District, contract employee (Soccer Coach for the ASES Program) had inappropriately touched several students on multiple occasions.


Deputies say the investigation revealed multiple victims, fourteen years of age or younger.


Investigators say that Juan Manuel Pantoja Troncoso, 24, of Salton City had ‘inappropriately touched multiple students’ while on a local campus conducting his duties as a soccer coach.


On March 19, 2020 Troncoso was located and arrested in the 81000 block of Indio Boulevard in Indio. Troncoso was later transported and booked at the county jail in Indio for multiple charges of lewd acts with a minor.

Anonymous ID: 835443 March 20, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.8491289   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘You are NOT invincible’: WHO chiefs give desperate warning to world's youth about Covid-19


Though coronavirus has disproportionately affected the elderly and infirm, the chief of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has issued a stark warning to younger generations: “You are not invincible.”


"Data from many countries clearly show that people under 50 make up a significant proportion of patients requiring hospitalization," the agency's director-general said at a press briefing on Friday.


He then urged young people directly to take the threat of Covid-19 seriously: "This coronavirus could put you in hospital for weeks, or even kill you.”


Tedros added that even if younger people show mild or even no symptoms after contracting the virus, “the choices you make about where you go could be the difference between life and death for someone else.”


His WHO colleague Michael Ryan emphasized the point by insisting people should not consider anything about the viral outbreak as 'normal.'


The Covid-19 pandemic has infected more than 265,000 people worldwide, killing more than 11,000. Patients over the age of 64 are more than five times as likely to die, according to a research paper published this week.


However, as the virus has spread beyond China and into Europe and North America, young people are being hospitalized in increasing numbers. In the US, analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 40 percent of patients who end up in American hospitals with the illness are between 20 and 54 years old.


Doctors in Italy – where deaths from the virus recently overtook those in China – have also warned younger people about the risk of serious illness.


"Fifty percent of our patients in the intensive care unit, which are the most severe patients, are over 65 years old," Dr. Antonio Pesenti told Sky News. "But that means that the other 50 percent of our patients are younger than 65. We have patients who are 20 years old or 30 years old, quite a few, and those are severe like the old ones."

Anonymous ID: 835443 March 20, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.8491320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1647

Four senators – three GOP and one Democrat deserve to be charged with insider trading (updated)


Sens. Richard Burr, Kelly Loeffler Face Calls to Resign Over Stock Sales


Update – When this story originally broke there were two senators involved. Now that number has grown to four.


Mikes comments: With news of the coronavirus dominating everyone’s thoughts, these unethical and illegal stock trades are being missed. Normally this type of behavior would be front page news once discovered. While it is true that our current health crisis is the most important story of the day, it doesn’t mean that crimes should be ignored. If these allegations prove to be true these four senators should not only be removed from office, they should be prosecuted and sent to prison. Martha Stewart did time for the same offence but on a much smaller scale.


It would be naive to think that these are the only four politicians to illegally benefit from information that they are privy to that the average citizen is not aware of. These four were just stupid enough to do it out in the open using their own names. The usual process would be to pass the information to someone who could not be directly connected to the politician. This does not make it any more legal, just harder to prove.


The Trump and Kushner families regularly benefit from their government positions but somehow, thus far, they seem to get away with doing it in public. Maybe some people think (wrongly) that since no attempt is made to hide their behavior, what they are doing must be legal.


Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler have faced calls to resign after it was revealed that the Republican lawmakers sold off stock holdings before the COVID-19 epidemic crashed markets.


Both of the senators reportedly attended briefings on the novel coronavirus outbreak and publicly sought to calm nerves as they dumped chunks of their portfolios ahead of market turmoil in March.


ProPublica reported on Thursday night that North Carolina Sen. Burr, the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, sold between $628,000 and $1.7 million worth of stock on February 13.


The stock dump came days after he co-authored a Fox News op-ed claiming the United States was “better prepared than ever before to face emerging public health threats, like the coronavirus.”


Following the news of Sen. Burr’s stock sell off, the Daily Beast reported that Sen. Loeffler of Georgia recorded a sale of stock on January 24 — the day of an all-senators briefing with administration health officials that covered the COVID-19 outbreak.


In a Thursday night Twitter post reacting to the news of the stock dumps, former Democratic primary candidate Andrew Yang said: “If you find out about a nation-threatening pandemic and your first move is to adjust your stock portfolio you should probably not be in a job that serves the public interest.”


“Burr knew how bad it would be. He told the truth to his wealthy donors, while assuring the public that we were fine,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tweeted on Thursday. “THEN he sold off $1.6 million in stock before the fall. He needs to resign.”


The freshman congresswoman also called on Sen. Loeffler to resign over her stock dump in a later tweet.


“Senators Burr and Loeffler should be investigated by authorities and the Senate Ethics Committee,” the Obama-era Housing Secretary Julián Castro said. “If the evidence suggests they engaged in insider trading, they should be charged and stand trial.”


Preet Bharara, former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, simply tweeted: “Members of Congress should not own individual stocks, period.”


The Republican lawmakers were also hit with criticism from the right, with the Students for Trump Chair Charlie Kirk calling on them to resign and saying: “I don’t care if you’re Republican or Democrat. If you trade with inside info to enrich yourself during a crisis you are a disgrace.”


Fox News host Tucker Carlson also called for Burr to leave office if he had no “honest explanation” for his decision to dump millions in stocks before the COVID-19 pandemic struck markets.


“He had inside information about what could happen to our country, which is now happening. But he didn’t warn the public,” Carlson said on his show Thursday night.