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Night shift passed on this information
Day shift should reexamine as this is a slow rollout to redpill the world, all the news, topic by topic hits MSM
and all at home can research each as the words in the MSM NEWS keep rolling out topic by topic. THE news is causing the world to
have new things to research. Well I did last night and it is HUGE.
as each anon will see an area to dig and will also connect the dots.
Italy Prime Minsister is working with POTUS. See last paragraph for proof:
Rudy G retweeted a tweet about chloroquine that includes Q fever reference. Q fever has to do with animal , semen, milk, urine, etc.
So does spirit cooking. Animals are used in rituals with kids. Katy Perry loud screamer HRC pro, Trump anti. Before and after election.
Cried her eyes out after election and tweeted about it. Q fever is related to slaughterhouses also called Abattoirs.
I found a link. Katy Perry Australia WITNESS tour site called https://abattoirblues.com.au/katy-perry/ where it says
'''Paul Dainty, President and CEO of TEG DAINTY promoted Katy’s 2014 Australian tour and said, “The response we received
from the 2014 tour was phenomenal with Katy performing a staggering 23 shows across the country.
Katy is one of the most powerful entertainers in the world and I am delighted to be promoting her 2018 Australian tour.”'''
Notice words: DAINTY, POWERFUL, ENTERTAINERS, WORLD, DELIGHTED which all for some reason seems to be coded.
To those who understand:
Then this: We’ll be open before every single show! Take a look at our event menu and make sure you book your table as these nights
will be huge in the Park. Monday 13 August – 7am to 8pm. That altogehter is them meeting up for a menu event. https://abattoirblues.com.au/event-menu/
Today shows a covid-19 link.