Anonymous ID: 75b619 March 20, 2020, 1 p.m. No.8492136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2147 >>2150 >>2156 >>2174 >>2278 >>2291 >>2404 >>2428 >>2459 >>2633

1 of 4 posts


Night shift passed on this information

Day shift should reexamine as this is a slow rollout to redpill the world, all the news, topic by topic hits MSM

and all at home can research each as the words in the MSM NEWS keep rolling out topic by topic. THE news is causing the world to

have new things to research. Well I did last night and it is HUGE.



as each anon will see an area to dig and will also connect the dots.


Italy Prime Minsister is working with POTUS. See last paragraph for proof:


Rudy G retweeted a tweet about chloroquine that includes Q fever reference. Q fever has to do with animal , semen, milk, urine, etc.

So does spirit cooking. Animals are used in rituals with kids. Katy Perry loud screamer HRC pro, Trump anti. Before and after election.

Cried her eyes out after election and tweeted about it. Q fever is related to slaughterhouses also called Abattoirs.

I found a link. Katy Perry Australia WITNESS tour site called where it says

'''Paul Dainty, President and CEO of TEG DAINTY promoted Katy’s 2014 Australian tour and said, “The response we received

from the 2014 tour was phenomenal with Katy performing a staggering 23 shows across the country.

Katy is one of the most powerful entertainers in the world and I am delighted to be promoting her 2018 Australian tour.”'''

Notice words: DAINTY, POWERFUL, ENTERTAINERS, WORLD, DELIGHTED which all for some reason seems to be coded.

To those who understand:

Then this: We’ll be open before every single show! Take a look at our event menu and make sure you book your table as these nights

will be huge in the Park. Monday 13 August – 7am to 8pm. That altogehter is them meeting up for a menu event.

Today shows a covid-19 link.

Anonymous ID: 75b619 March 20, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.8492147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2291


2 of 4

Then more digging, I learned that Jack Ma ALIBABA was to host/put on a China show for Katy after the election and she cancelled abruptly

citing family issue and not much said on her social media about it.

My feeling is she did not succeed at her JOB regarding HRC as the entire world was freaked out HRC lost.

Seems she may have been afraid to go to CHINA her masters s she failed? Well we know they COMMS in Media and this was found:

The event's organisers Alibaba said in a statement: "Alibaba and all of her fans in China are naturally very disappointed

Today Jack Ma Billionaire alibaba owner is very HELPFUL to POTUS. HMMMM?

Abaittors (slaugtherhouses) store meat. The freezer areas look a lot like the James Alefantis "looks like fun" freezers from way back before election

Pizzagate digs. Q fever comes from semen, milk, urine, vaginal fluid mucous, etc. Recipe for Spirit Cooking has same. Kids and animals are used in rituals.

My theory is all related as HRC, Jack Ma and Alibaba, Abattoirs, (slaughterhouses) , (slaughterhouses) Think James Alefantis freezer pics and "this looks fun",

human and animal blood comingled when stored in freezers to disguise human meat, zoonotic jump of Q fever, the beiginning of Q fever we all were talking BAT soup,

bats related to vampires, vampires blood, blood andrenochrome, it was to put us on the right track, they use the now dead kids for meat after the

adrenochrome removal, Chinese are know to use all parts of animals, they do same with kids.

Chloroqinine for Q fever is very similair to CoronaVirus as far as how it works and all the digging JUMPS out info that ties it all together.

are now all tied to CoronaVirus.

Anonymous ID: 75b619 March 20, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.8492150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2237 >>2291



3 of 4

This goes all the way to the CROWN as the disease name and calling it The Chinese Virus is a thing all are trying to silence,

it is racist ya' know, so when it all wraps up it really is THE CROWN DISEASE as Corona is another word for crown.

Which will bring back EPSTEIN and PRINCE Andrew Pedo Island.

Ding, Ding, Ding, will start to click for the masses. The connections.

And, Tom Hanks may be the one that will make us all laugh as MAYBE he was the one who exposed the HW'd pedo problem?

He is quarantined in NZ. He made a movie about ONE RED SHOE, which made me think not two, which to me is one foot in one foot out. He is on both sides as a spy?


Q fever was first described in 1935 by Edward Holbrook Derrick[20] in slaughterhouse workers in Brisbane, Queensland.

The "Q" stands for "query" and was applied at a time when the causative agent was unknown; it was chosen over suggestions of abattoir fever

and Queensland rickettsial fever, to avoid directing negative connotations at either the cattle industry or the state of Queensland.

An early mention of Q fever was important in one of the early Dr. Kildare films (1939, Calling Dr. Kildare).

Kildare's mentor Dr. Gillespie (Lionel Barrymore) (Drew Barrymore offspring/her show/Santa Clarita Diet about cannibals! in AdamSchiff CA district)

tires of his protégé working fruitlessly on "exotic diagnoses" ("I think it's Q fever!") and sends him to work in a neighborhood


instead. THINK Panned Parenthood. Q fever related to abortion, stillbirth, weak calves, and repeat breeding, SHHWP shearers, labortory workers,

Hide workers (tannery). Think all aspects of what they do to the kids. Up to the skin shoes and even Kate Spade leather purses. HIDES.


Holy Fuck were they comingling animals and humans and a Zoonotic transfer? Crazy sickness now? THEY got it , they know how to treat it, someohow POTUS team kept them form thier cure for a SUPER STRAIN same Q virus, now labelled Corona Virus as they were dosed with it to mark them, BUT they were going to give the original strain they learned of over the years to us to kill a large mass of people? Q team flipped the script?


if untreated it is fatal and fast. It is usually fatal if untreated. However, with appropriate treatment, the mortality falls to around 10%.

So, they knew how to treat themselves, POTUS intercepted the cure, they all continued their uses of the prodcuts, now sick, quarantined.

Proof of use and capture?

Well now add this NUGGET:

The pathogenic agent is found worldwide with the exception of New Zealand where cabal including RBG have/had Boltholes and Tom Hanks HOLED up there

Soon all the dots will connect for the public and Spirit cooking, bestialty, sacrifice, rituals, kids, meat products, Haiti , chairities, stars will co-mingle

Anonymous ID: 75b619 March 20, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.8492156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2291


4 of 4

AND TOP OF BREAD NOTICE ALL OF THE links Ctrl F and see nz highlight

then nz search on 13 drops (and the 3 in 13 to me is great symbolgy for the cabal)

headlines newsest to oldest COMMS read:


fisa declass, spygate orders, Italy working with POTUS, transparency prosecution, treason sedition world wide, schiff, russia hoax,

surveillance of media and Senate, TABLES TURNED, Five Eyes and Foreign Surveillance Act, 2 USA ALLIES, foremer security clearances, Iran .

search: keyword corona you get 4 drops and killboxes [ ] and corona now offline


search: keyword virus you get 2 drops, MSM attack and promises to kill flu virus





What a coincidence.

This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends.



It is habbening


Now read all three PB, not just images to see how I even got here:

all PB

Abattoirs (slaughterhouses)

Alibaba Jack Ma

katy Perry


Corona virus similarities

Hanks NZ





Anonymous ID: 75b619 March 20, 2020, 1:21 p.m. No.8492404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2428 >>2440 >>2459 >>2575



good try shill

calling ME a disinfo clownll!!



MILLIONS are reading the info I posted and it all makes sense to any real anon who has been around for the whole thing

and they will conncet the dots

and dig and then meme


SOON all will connect the dots

we are really good at examing shit

SOON so will be the entire world good at examining





No more wakling down the street for all the cabal

Anonymous ID: 75b619 March 20, 2020, 1:35 p.m. No.8492575   🗄️.is 🔗kun




YOU JUST OUTED YOUSELF with your own post

You said:

you know there are a lot of clowns trying to establish a trustworty and reliable character here before?


well: I say how does one establish themselves to be trustworthy here WE ALL ARE ANON?


YOU just old us what YOU are here for

and you call me a disinfo shill

FFS fag






Anonymous ID: 75b619 March 20, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.8492708   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Q team made sure it was named Corona for a reason and now MSM is trying to squash the CHINESE Virus name calling it racism so eventually

people wont put 2+2 together

what Corona means: CROWN


And then all will start waking and Epstein will come back into view and so will CROWN Prince Andrew and the Queen and decades old shit will tie all together with a nice red scarf.