Fuck your MOTHER FUCKING vaccines!!!
Enough is Enough
have you seen the movie Contagion? Check out the last scene. Shit will blow your mind.
>Contagion is a 2011 American action thriller film[2][3] directed by Steven Soderbergh. Its ensemble cast includes Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Kate Winslet. The plot concerns the spread of a virus transmitted by fomites, attempts by medical researchers and public health officials to identify and contain the disease, the loss of social order in a pandemic, and finally the introduction of a vaccine to halt its spread.
you should just kys now and do the taxpayers a favor you fucking demonic piece of shit!
>we would not release a virus
Exactly, my theory is we have flipped the script on the deep state. There is no virus. They had a plan to unleash a global pandemic once Hillary was in office (she wasn't supposed to lose), but instead we have thwarted their plan and put in place our plan. The virus was neutralized long ago but we are using the cover story of a virus/global pandemic to SHUT THEM DOWN forever. We are in the final stages of the plan delivering to the DEATH BLOW to the Deep State.