Many of the "Q religious" are Evangelical / Protestant who believe scripture is sole authority (even though scripture itself refutes this, pointing also to verbal instruction and teachings).
Most Q religious think Q drops are a sacred text with a literal interpretation.
Q religious hate with a religious fervor dissent, heretics, and those who upset and challenge their customs.
Q repeatedly stated disinfo necessary.
Q notes that messages are for certain actors, not everyone, thus making any "quoting of scripture" a useless heuristic.
Quoting Q scripture proves nothing on its own. Meaning can only be discerned after events happen.
Q challenges you to think for yourself, trust yourself, do not blindly trust authority figures.
Q religious have made Q the ultimate authority figure, thus undermining the operation.
After Q's arrival, the boards devolved into closed systems of gatekeepers that promoted idiotic rituals, customs, and made-up norms over the free exchange of ideas.
Thus the arrival of Austin makes perfect sense and contradicts nothing about the operation. It destroys the gatekeepers, crushes the groupthink, and throws the money-changers out of the temple.
TLDR; Q religious are cancer and Austin is here to fix your shit.