Does hiding 80% of the truth make Q an occutist?
Does keeping humanity fumbling around in the dark wondering wtf is going on a doctrine of Dark to Light?
Maybe we really need for God Himself to come down and fulfill Luke 12:2: "The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all."
Because Q already said he's not going to give us the whole truth, not going to bring all that's dark to light. How much justice are we actually going to get? Wtf are they still spraying on us? How much damage has fetal cell DNA and cancer genes in vaccines done to humanity? Q says "not all" vaccines are bad, well which fucking ones mother fucker?
People in power and authority think that occulting the truth is ok whether they are white hats or black hats I guess.
Humanity stays in the dark either way.