I'm trying to find the origin of the phrase "Flatten the Curve" since it's become a mantra used to justify the extreme measures and economic destruction over the past week. I suspect the phrase has some occult meaning. Ultimately, I was unable to find the first use of the term, but I did find an article (linked below) about the origin of graphs we've all seen by now.
1) It was first created by the CDC in 2007 using cabal purple. The graph is not based on math.
2) The CDC graph was then picked up by Rothschild-owned "The Economist" in February 2020. Their "flattened curve" resembles President Trump's hair.
3) A Philadelphia professor then pushed this viral meme where the pandemic is depicted in Republican red, and the flattened solution is Democrat blue.
4) The meme was then spread by this New Zealand (ahem) microbiologist who is frequently pictured wearing this odd necklace (needs more digging).
In short, it's a cabal meme approved by "The Economist" and amplified by questionable people. I recommend avoiding use of the phrase for that reason.