The Other Four Horsemen
Greed, Hunger, Chaos, and Destruction are the prelude to and are just as devastating as the original Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. When faced with unprecedented food and water shortages all over the world through man’s indifference have given rise to another set of Apocalyptic events that are being played out continually. This is when these first Four Horsemen that have already arrived laying waste to nations all over the world. Aided by climate change, whether we choose to believe it or not, the summer of 2019 has only exasperated the delicate balance of humanities food and fresh water supplies.
The willingness of political will to expedite the relief of water and food shortages has yet to be realized. Meanwhile, millions the world over have been subjected to the harsh realities of hunger to the point of starvation, re gated to the most unsanitary conditions imaginable causing regional outbreaks of disease and needless suffering, while opening up the door for the original Four Horsemen to come galloping across every nation on earth.
To date the first Four Horsemen are continuing their onslaught upon all of humanity. In the United States the warning signs are continually being ignored. Food prices continue to be inflated keeping millions from meeting their nutritional needs to maintain ones health. These inflated prices have a very negative domino effect in that they are forcing millions to rely on the meager outlay of government assistance which only causes the government to cut much needed services elsewhere just to compensate for the volume of people now desperately seeking any assistance the government can offer.
Even with so many now being forced to receive government assistance just to put meager parcels of food on their tables millions more are being left without. Acute food and water shortages are a reality now for millions of Americans let alone for millions more the world over. When so many are victims of governmental policies that encourage the hoarding of food, encourage non crop rotation and soil rejuvenation, encourage waste of precious fresh water, are lacking the backbone to encourage fresh water transfer to drought stricken areas, failure to tax companies that routinely pollute our rivers, lakes and oceans, and there are so many more contingencies that need direct immediate attention to stave off the “Grim Reaper” of the first Four Horsemen.
In recent events especially in the Mid East and in Africa where rulers routinely hoard food and confiscate any relief efforts that would aid their populations have give rise to mass hysteria, violence and the inability to maintain any sense of stability are sure signs that the first Four Horsemen have indeed arrived. If mankind is to survive there must be a combined united effort of industrialized nations to combat the ineffectiveness of governmental policies that have for years opened up the door for the first Four Horsemen to come sweeping through.
It is time for the United States to take a leadership role in providing for our own citizens the availability of abundant fresh water through the development of water transfer like the Alaska oil pipe line where water not oil is piped to areas that need it most. Nature has provided mankind with the abundance of rain but it is the transfer of fresh water that prohibits areas that are drought stricken to become so parched crops can’t grow and be harvested. With the development and deployment of a nation wide water transfer system where areas that receive abundant amounts of rain and snow run off are collected and piped to any area that need fresh water for irrigation and for consumption would be a first stage to keep the first Four Horsemen at bay. When the first Four Horsemen are kept from wrecking havoc on mankind the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will never arrive.