Anonymous ID: 19a229 March 20, 2020, 6:18 p.m. No.8495746   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5769



The weather forecast for this week was not supposed to be this dreary a few weeks ago.

(solar power anon plans for sunny weather)


The weather was altered. Anons know this is possible, but why? Cover clouds are not needed since we see military activity and have a valid reason (CV) for it.


What if there is a possibility of a FF attack using the actual "live virus" within a large city or such? The clowns would if they could.


Here's my logic:

HUMIDITY kills viruses pretty good, so does sunlight, but most people are not outside much to get UV exposure.


I am suggesting that the weather modification was done as a public safety measure.

Which gives validity to a "real threat" perhaps not released yet.


Just a theory.