The matrix is real y'all.
21 jump street
7+7+7= 21
Ron Swanson tells a joke in the movie where he accidentally calls it 37 jump street.
37 = 3 7s = 7+7+7
This is what "elites" do.
The line about the flux capacitor is a reference to Back to the Future and the Kabbalah 777
Lightning flash of creation.
The radioactive spider is the giant pile of shit the "elites" worship.
Kaaba black cube in Mecca
Allah in Mecca
Kaaba Allah Kabbalah
"Elites" practice Kabbalah
Pandora's Box was originally a jar.
A MASON jar.
Sophia and yaldabaoth
Sophia the robot
Pinky and the Brain
Pinky and the Brain
One is a genius
The others insane
Breaking Bad
Jesse Pinkman is Pinky
Walter White is the Brain
Your job is to be happy. That's it.
That's all our creator ever wanted.
Shit got screwed up.
When I say creator I don't mean the rape god of religion.
Religion was invented to keep us from our real creator.