'Particularly in his last year in the White House, Bill Clinton seemed to be rather openly grooming his daughter for a career in politics—something perhaps encouraged by Chelsea herself. In March of 2000, she traveled with the president on a tour of Southeast Asia. That September he sent her as an official U.S. representative to the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. At the Olympics, the press—which for eight years had essentially honored the Clintons’ insistence on Chelsea’s privacy—began to chafe when the First Daughter continued to refuse to answer even the blandest sort of questions. (Do you like the Opera House? “I think we all love the Opera House,” interjected Shalala, her traveling companion.) “This is all getting weird,” said The Washington Post, adding that the Games were “financed with taxpayer dollars . . . so couldn’t she do more than stand there and smile?”
The sudden presence of Chelsea in a quasi-official position next to her father was attributed to the post-Monicagate chill between Bill and Hillary, who was now busy campaigning for senator of New York. In the fall of 2000, Chelsea took a semester off from school to campaign alongside her mother. Although she was veritably mute throughout the many stops around New York State, Chelsea’s presence proved winning. The New York Times described her as a “quiet political force”—as always a support in Hillary’s ongoing effort to portray herself as a warm human being.
In 1999, Bill included Chelsea at the table at Camp David for peace talks between Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak. The Israeli delegation reportedly complained to the president, asking what she was doing there.'