you do have to do the P.S. now as I did a similar thing and the poster thought the rant was on them instead of the image posted - didn't bother splaining no feelz….
Kansas….from the Deep State Department! hahaha….trump trolling and rolling…..
and they all smirked and the doctor dude that has been around since 1984 had to hide his face for a second while he even laughed….
"Toots, while a photography student as a youth….but gave it all up to be the cat we know today"
looks like a part of something from the Denver Airport
didn't the owner have a dust up about protecting catholic church pedos? karma related? or something more sinister? the refs have fucked them in some key playoff situations the last few years…..
wow….multiple violations …so much so you might be real?
same old Dave Hodges thing?