Anonymous ID: 4c392e March 20, 2020, 6:22 p.m. No.8495802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5850

Hank, oprah, pizzagate, joe…incepting the minds of the american people. Get the sheeple use to shocking news and ideas. Get them numb. Then when things actually started to go down (arrests, military tribunals, executions) they are mentally hardened enough to witness it. In many ways, people whole world views will collapse completely regardless…great time to be locked in home with family and even friends. Love, care, and the familiar to help ease the transition. Quarantine also helps the military. Quicker mobilization, less collateral damage. Just in case they decide to really escalate things. Stay safe fellow anons. I have faith in the lord and prey for all in harms way. God bless and amen.

Anonymous ID: 4c392e March 20, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.8496083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Evil…are you scared? Nervous even? If you were then you know the game is over. If you aren’t then you know things will get violent. What are you willing to do to keep your power? To stay alive? Would you burn everything? If you can’t have it then no one can? This only ends one way. Your end. Will you allow the culmination of countless generations, 1000s of years end with your doom without a real fight? Can you fight still? If you’re nervous, then that means…I put my faith in the lord. In His hands. I pray for the safe passage of all. Amen.