Anonymous ID: 6e4b6c March 20, 2020, 6:51 p.m. No.8496218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6307 >>6478

Thoughts and observations from a small business anon in a state that is probably going to lock down soon. I unfortunately did have to lay off a new hire this week, but other than that we are oddly and surprisingly holding our own during the panic. I compared our numbers to last March and we're dead on despite our walk in traffic coming to a screeching halt and phone/email inquiries dropping about 70%. Prior to that we have been up 10% year over year since Trump got elected. We are what most would consider a non essential business a combination of retail and services that is 90% non discretionary spending.


I deal with vendors in my own state and all over the country. I have found most other vendors and similar businesses are staying open unless a federal mandated shut down occurs. We are all of the attitude that we will have to be dragged out and cuffed before we close. One of my vendors, no joke, is in Corona, California. The problem with these shelter in place orders is their definition of "non essential" is entirely too vague to ever hold up in a court of law.


California describes non essential as "Performing work to provide essential products and services at essential businesses and government entities as well as other nonprofit organizations." Well who defines essential? What is essential to me and essential to you are two entirely different things. That is not a legal definition. I don't see how they're even threatening people with fines and arrests with that definition. The vendor in Corona agreed, they are staying open. With these vague threats, I really wonder if this is all just a test to see how compliant we are as a nation. I think they are testing the waters to see how people would really react in a true martial law scenario. Maybe I'm wrong, but this morning I had to wait in line at Trader Joe's, only 50 people at a time and only 2 of any one item per person because as the cashier said "we just don't have enough". I can imagine the panic would be much worse and the rules even more restrictive if they really did declare martial law.


Additionally, with all this muh corona going on, I had suspected I would have lots of orders/scheduled business cancelled. I have experienced the exact opposite. People were actually calling me to confirm we were still operating and good to go with work previously discussed. Another interesting observation, I have had a lot of stir crazy, impulse shoppers, spending their stimulus money before they even get it. This has really surprised me, was not expecting that. One of these spenders even admitted he had just been laid off yesterday. I don't get it, but found it interesting. To each his own.


Lastly. I find this really interesting. I went for a run tonight on my usual route. I have run this route 3 times a week for a good year. This was the 1st time I witnessed this. I ran past houses and saw families outside sitting together, talking. Listening to music. Playing catch. Like WHOLE families outside together interacting. Mom, Dad and siblings altogether. And I saw neighbors outside chatting on their balconies. I saw kids playing basketball at a house that I've run by nearly 1000 times and this is the 1st time I saw them outside playing basketball. This is getting people off their devices and interacting as families and friends ought to.


I still have doubts about how deadly this virus really is. Yesterday I found out about someone who I do business with pretty regularly, I usually see them every couple of months, contracted it and had to shut down their business over it. Last time I saw them was 3/3. Next time I see them I will find out exactly how bad it really was. They are about 50 years old, female, otherwise healthy. It will be interesting to hear about it from someone I actually have known professionally for 15 years. Will report back once I do. Sorry so long, I hope these observations are helpful.

Anonymous ID: 6e4b6c March 20, 2020, 7:14 p.m. No.8496484   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Small business anon. It's about cash flow anon. Most small businesses operate on projected cash flow, often times week to week, and if all of a sudden that cash flow stops, comes to a screeching halt, there is literally no money in the bank to pay staff to sit around while they wait for funding and wait for things to get better. They can be furloughed with the hope of once they get funding and things get back to normal they can be re-hired. Every business is different, but I had to make same decision myself this week, it sucked. You also have to remember most small business owners are personal guarantors of everything - the lease/mortgage, existing credit lines/loans so they need to make sure they can keep making those payments or risk having everything they own be taken from them. Also getting funding from government like SBA loans, can take weeks. They simply may not have that much extra cash saved up and he probably doesn't want to admit that.