Anonymous ID: 6faf03 March 21, 2020, 7:04 a.m. No.8501189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1224 >>1291 >>1314 >>1361 >>1426

Update my post last night.

I dont know the shills would call it disinfo since the first time i saw the dot and sauce was posted here.


People with blood type A might be more vulnerable to the coronavirus, while those with type O blood could be more resistant, according to a new preliminary study from China.


Researchers studying COVID-19 in its outbreak epicenter, Wuhan, and the city of Shenzhen found the proportion of Type-A patients both infected and killed by the disease to be “significantly” higher than those with the same blood type in the general public.


Type O patients, meanwhile, made up a smaller proportion of both those infected and killed by the virus.


“People of blood group A might need particularly strengthened personal protection to reduce the chance of infection,” wrote the researchers at the Centre for Evidence-Based and Translational Medicine based out of Wuhan.


Though the team, led by Wang Xinghuan, couched the study as “preliminary,” with more work needed to be done to develop concrete findings.


The research, published on, compared blood types of 2,173 confirmed coronavirus cases in Wuhan and Shenzhen to more than 3,694 healthy residents in the Wuhan area.




And then i saved this sauce link..


Let's see if I can find a link


Some Blood Types May Be Slightly More Susceptible to COVID-19, Paper Suggests


Meta-analyses on the pooled data showed that blood group A had a significantly higher risk for COVID-19 compared with non-A blood groups


Whereas blood group O had a significantly lower risk for the infectious disease compared with non-O blood groups."


But the paper also clearly states that although the results were significant, it's not an all-or-nothing result.


As per the study, the normal population in Wuhan has a blood type distribution of 31 percent type A, 24 percent type B, 9 percent type AB, and 34 percent type O.


Those with the virus, by comparison, were distributed as follows: 38 percent type A, 26 percent type B, 10 percent type AB, and 25 percent type O. Similar differences were observed in Shenzhen


Anyone who says thrre is no connection is a disinfo shill.

Im getting sauce on the malaria death count by blood type..


So here.. Someone can help dig more on this…


thanks anons

Anonymous ID: 6faf03 March 21, 2020, 7:21 a.m. No.8501361   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Moar sauce


Over the last hundred years, scientists have also discovered that the ABO blood group is just one of more than 20 human blood groups. The Rh factor is another well known blood group, referring to the “positive” or “negative” in blood types, such as A-positive or B-negative. (The Rh refers to Rhesus macaques, which were used in early studies of the blood group.) People who are Rh-positive have Rh antigens on their red blood cells; people who are Rh-negative don’t and produce antibodies that will attack Rh antigens. The Rh blood group plays a role in the sometimes fatal blood disease erythroblastosis fetalis that can develop in newborns if an Rh-negative women gives birth to an Rh-positive baby and her antibodies attack her child.


Most people have never heard of the numerous other blood groups—such as the MN, Diego, Kidd and Kell—probably because they trigger smaller or less frequent immune reactions. And in some cases, like the MN blood group, humans don’t produce antibodies against the antigens. One “minor” blood type that does have medical significance is the Duffy blood group. Plasmodium vivax, one of the parasites that causes malaria, latches onto the Duffy antigen when it invades the body’s red blood cells. People who lack the Duffy antigens, therefore, tend to be immune to this form of malaria.


Although researchers have found these interesting associations between blood groups and disease, they still really don’t understand how and why such blood antigens evolved in the first place. These blood molecules stand as a reminder that we still have a lot to learn about human biology.

Anonymous ID: 6faf03 March 21, 2020, 7:28 a.m. No.8501426   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Moar sauce on malaria and blood types , its actually type A most succeptible..

So correction to my previous post


The evolutionary cause, or at least one of them, appears to be disease. For example, malaria appears to be the main selective force behind type O, according to Christine Cserti-Gazdewich, a hematologist at Toronto General Hospital. Type O is more prevalent in Africa and other parts of the world that have high burdens of malaria, suggesting that blood type carries some sort of evolutionary advantage. [The 6 Craziest Animal Experiments ]


In this particular case, the advantage appears to be that cells infected with malaria don't stick well to type-O or type-B blood cells, Cserti-Gazdewich said. Malaria-infected blood cells are more likely to stick to cells with the A sugar and to form clumps known as "rosettes," which can be deadly when they form in vital organs, such as the brain. As a result, people with type O get less sick when they're infected with malaria, according to a 2007 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


If you believe such things…