Anonymous ID: 0a534f March 21, 2020, 8:52 a.m. No.8502188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2374



or absinthium?

Same effect? Appears so. Sources related.

Highest abv will probably be 70% after final batching. Ideal for antimicrobial action. This is at full production.

Initial from what we have on hand (pun not intended) will be 60% abv, sourcing glycerin and peroxide only time limitation.

Packaging on hand is limited, local (immediate) sources functional but not ideal (no pump, poor seal, corrugated will be time as well).

Sourcing annua will start us from scratch, (lets not do that)

absinthium-based volume on-hand is:

668 WG at 70%, roughly 779 WG at bottle proof. approx. 3900 750mL.

Just need glycerin and peroxide to batch, packaging to distribute.


High Anethole present as well. Neutral, negative? Would have to start from scratch if so.

Makes your hands feel silky smooth lol.;year=2018;volume=10;issue=3;spage=282;epage=290;aulast=Ansari

