Anonymous ID: 54b92e March 21, 2020, 9:01 a.m. No.8502291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2460

>>8501526 PB

>Anons were the first wave to be awakened.

>The first wave to suffer the cognitive dissonance.

>The first wave to cry when we saw the therapist guides to healing victims of ritual abuse with children’s drawings depicting the evil that persists since the days documented in scripture.

>We were the first to demand justice.

>Now we may have righteous justice in a matter of days.

>We will be the first to heal.

>We will be the first wave to forgive (not forget).

>And we will need to do so quickly and fully so that we can help the second wave to heal and to forgive.

>It will be our duty to be the first to get things back to functional. To kickstart the new economy with our energy to move forward and produce. With Joy. With Love With Truth.

>If POTUS and the Patriots deliver for us, WE . WILL. DELIVER.



Cognitive Dissonance

People can become verbally combative when their belief system is threatened. Cognitive dissonance is a very real phenomenon. When new info is introduced that contradicts what a person has long believed – upon which their entire belief system and consequently their behavior is based – they will try to refute that contradictory info. This can reach a crescendo until the person suddenly realizes they have to reconsider what they have long believed, and stand down. Or perhaps they simply cannot tolerate the dissonance, and take steps to distance themself from the uncomfortable information, like walking away from the conversation or rejecting the person who provided the info. It doesn't require a Matrix argument to understand why & how this happens. Just basic psychology. People's entrenched beliefs, whether real or false, are intrinsic to their concept of themself, therefore their ego, their personhood. When this feeling of "who I am" is threatened, sometimes a fight-or-flight reaction occurs, complete with a rush of adrenaline hormones from their brain's limbic system.

We have all experienced this to some degree. Autists have more flexibility to adapt and consider alternative concepts and reprogram their belief system, but we too have felt threatened by uncomfortable info that we have to evaluate and decide whether to believe or disbelieve.

That's why Q told us to protect and comfort those around us. They will be experiencing a lot of psychological discomfort as disturbing info comes out. We've been there, we understand, and our role is cut out for us.

We were chosen for a reason.


>>8501641 PB

>We're probably past the point of deliberately trying to redpill people.

>We don't HAVE to redpill friends & fam. But if you want to try, a set of tips compiled by anons can be found at the top of each memes bread

Memes54 >>8406256 (OFF-BREAD)

>I really believe that soon (like, right now), the movie (narrative) created by /ourguys/ will itself redpill folks. However, some people may be in dire need of protection and comfort: some will experience massive, psychologically disturbing, cognitive dissonance as the old fake MSM/liberal/left narrative dissolves and starts to be replaced by the new truthful one. When minds and hearts are ripe for change, then people will start to put things together for themselves. Q's anon army is here to assist in the birthing of a new nation – new world, with the information learned over the past few years.


>>8502137 TU fren

Anonymous ID: 54b92e March 21, 2020, 9:06 a.m. No.8502336   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Great Awakening - soon.

Nothing can stop what is coming.


Q !UW.yye1fxo Wed 21 Feb 2018 01:51:08 b0b86f No.448399

The gun found by the USSS was an intercept we provided.

This is not a game.

Protect code went live.

Code signals clean.

We are moving up the timetable.


Anonymous ID: 54b92e March 21, 2020, 9:23 a.m. No.8502491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2534 >>2608 >>2625

new DJT




Everyone who thinks coronavirus is harmless or doesn’t matter should rethink that opinion immediately.


This is an extremely dangerous pathogen with wide spreading implications, including neurological impairment, brain, lung, heart & reproductive damage.


A thread on (#COVID19):

12:31 PM - 8 Mar 2020 PDT


new DJT


NEW DATA: A French study has demonstrated evidence that the combination of Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin are highly effective in treating Covid-19.


The patients enrolled in the study showed complete viral eradication around the 5th day of treatment. …

6:23 AM - 21 Mar 2020 PDT