Anonymous ID: 60f9a7 March 21, 2020, 8:57 a.m. No.8502245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2279 >>2398 >>2518

Why does WHO call themselves, the World Health Organization, when the only thing they push is protect commerce and China at costs. This Org has to be investigated, prosecuted and put in some dank cell in Ebola country


Fauci had endorsed the policy the day before. In an interview Thursday with NBC News, Dr. Fauci said cutting off air travel from China was “right” and has “gone a long way” in slowing the spread of the Chinese coronavirus in the United States:


[O]ne of the things we did right was very early cut off travel from China to the United States. Because outside of China, where it originated, the countries in the world that have it are through travel, either directly from China or indirectly from someone who went someplace and then came to that particular country. Our shutting off travel from China and, more recently, travel from Europe, has gone a long way to not seeding very, very intensively the virus in our country.


A recent CNN report said that, in conversations behind closed doors, Fauci has also suggested grounding domestic flights to help contain the spread of the virus.


The WHO has consistently rejected the proposal that limiting travel can contain an outbreak. Last year, as the Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) expanded across the Rwandan and Ugandan borders, the WHO “strongly advise[d] against the closure of borders or implementation of any restrictions on travel and trade,” arguing that “such measures push the movement of people and goods to informal border crossings that are not monitored, thus increasing the chances of the spread of disease.” Unlike coronaviruses, the Ebola virus, named after the eponymous African river, spreads through contact with blood and bodily fluids of an infected person and is not believed to be airborne or especially contagious.


The WHO has repeatedly offered similar advice during the current pandemic. On February 3 – nearly two weeks after the Chinese Communist Party made the existence of the novel coronavirus public on January 20 – WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus referred to cutting off flights from China as extreme, telling the WHO Executive Board at a meeting in Geneva, “There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”


Last week, WHO official Dr. Bruce Aylward similarly discouraged restrictions on travel.


“What we found, as a general principle – not a general principle, a pretty robust principle – is that it doesn’t help to restrict movement,” Aylward advised. “What you’re really interested in is: Where is the virus? The viruses in the cases, the viruses in their close contacts.”

Anonymous ID: 60f9a7 March 21, 2020, 9:01 a.m. No.8502278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2400 >>2404 >>2425 >>2625

A group of President Donald Trump’s campaign staffers conducted a Bible study online on Friday morning as the spread of the coronavirus continues in the United States


“We managed to do our weekly Bible study digitally!” wrote National Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Twitter, sharing a photo of her participating with campaign colleagues on a live stream feed. “Loved joining my friends from the Donald Trump campaign and GOP this Friday morning.”


But this was not the first time the group met to read scripture and pray together.


Trump campaign employees started the weekly Bible study in February, according to campaign sources, after McEnany, Lyndee Rose, Sonny Nelson, and Ryann McEnany brainstormed the idea.


The group of up to two dozen staffers meets every Friday morning before work for Bible study, reading Scripture for about 30 minutes followed by 15 minutes of community prayer. Bagels are also served every week for those that attend, and staffers who find themselves on the road can call in.


“This is oftentimes the most powerful part of our time together because you can feel Christ at work,” a campaign staffer told Breitbart News about the event.


The event became even more significant to participants as they find themselves separate from colleagues and working from home while keeping up with the news about the virus that has dominated the headlines.


Friday’s online study session was led by Dr. Tom Mullins, the Founding Pastor of Christ Fellowship, who is also a member of the Evangelicals for Trump coalition.


“There is nothing more meaningful than coming together in prayer,” McEnany told Breitbart News in an interview about the group.


She described the group’s weekly Bible study as “the most inspirational part of our week.”


“As Christian men and women, our Bible study helps us to keep our eyes and mind on Christ,” she continued. “It offers a time to pray for our President and pray for our nation.”

Anonymous ID: 60f9a7 March 21, 2020, 9:35 a.m. No.8502631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2654

Iran Admits to One Coronavirus Death Every Ten Minutes


Iranian Health Ministry spokesman Kianush Jahanpur wrote on social media Thursday that Iran is documenting a new death at the hands of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic every ten minutes.


The astonishing death rate calls into question the official Iranian Islamic regime numbers, which at press time stand at slightly below 1,500 deaths and nearly 20,000 confirmed cases. The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the nation’s largest dissident organization, has kept its own tally of Chinese coronavirus deaths, citing sources within the country, and found the true death toll at over 7,000 since the outbreak began, as of Thursday. While Iranian medical experts have identified the city of Qom, a popular destination for Shiite Muslim pilgrimages, as the origin of the outbreak in Iran, they have no offered any information on when the first patients was identified there or how the virus entered the country.


Iran is a close diplomatic ally of China, the nation that allowed the outbreak to spread from the central city of Wuhan where it began and arrested doctors who warned of the contagious nature of the disease before the outbreak became a pandemic.


“Based on our information, every 10 minutes one person dies from the coronavirus and some 50 people become infected with the virus every hour in Iran,” Jahanpur, the Health Ministry spokesman, posted on Twitter, according to Reuters.


Tehran’s failure to protect its citizens and treat those ill from viral infection did not deter an attempt to disparage the American government on Thursday, offering unspecified aid to the United States to compensate for America’s allegedly incompetent healthcare system.


“Iran is ready to help American control [the] coronavirus,” Iranian Deputy Health Minister Ali-Reza Raeisi said. “The United States’ health care system is incapable of controlling the coronavirus epidemic. Not that we take delight in the U.S. incompetence. As a Muslim country, we do not take delight in anyone’s ailment.”


The Iranian regime has attempted to downplay the severity of the outbreak there for weeks. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei described the pandemic as “not such a big tragedy” and urged Iranians to wage “jihad” against the virus early in March. Khamenei’s dismissive response contrasted with the increasingly alarmed warnings from President Hassan Rouhani.


The number of cases confirmed by Tehran also appeared not to match the numbers out of local governments. Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) – which has defended multiple dictatorships for their unfortunate responses to the outbreak so far, first and foremost China – admitted that Iran’s count was likely far from the real number of cases in the country.


Rick Brennan, Director of Emergency Operations for the World Health Organization’s Emergencies Program, estimated on Monday that Iran’s real number of Chinese coronavirus cases is about five times more than official estimates.