Forget the politics, this is biolog ID: a235d0 March 21, 2020, 9:11 a.m. No.8502378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Part 3:




Bill Gates got busted by Trump.


12 Mar 2020, Prime Minister Varadkar of Ireland, together with Anne Tatlock (main trustee for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a global leader in the investigation of coronaviruses), met with Trump in the White House:


13 Mar 2020, Anne Tatlock flew from Washington D.C. to Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska where she was met by the world’s 4th richest man Warren Buffett.


Later, they went into the secure US Strategic Command bunker complex, where they were met a few hours later by the world’s 2nd richest man Bill Gates.


After they left, Bill Gates made a shock announcement that he has immediately resigned from the board of the Microsoft company he founded, as well as from his position on Buffett’s company’s board of directors.


Anne Tatlock, one of the least known most powerful people in America is — who before retiring, headed one of the richest and oldest international banking concerns founded in 1931 called Fiduciary Trust Company International:


And while heading, saw Tatlock further being the head trustee of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a position she currently holds to this day:


In 1999, Bill Gates had a "vaccine epiphany":


In 2018, Bill Gates declared the world was overpopulated:


And, "The world needs to prepare for pandemics just like war":


21-24 Jan 2020, Davos-Switzerland, Bill Gates urged world leaders to immediately adopt the strategic global initiative launched by the United Nations on 20 May 2016—a strategic global initiative known as ID 2020:


Goal of which is to give every person on Earth a “digital identity” by 2030, and force people on earth with "nano-chip vaccinations" administered against their wills by police and soldiers:


2 Mar 2020, World Economic Forum, Bill Gates wherein basically said this current coronavirus pandemic is a perfect time to begin this forced vaccination masterplan:


Watch the vaccines.