Anonymous ID: e33dfa Forget the politics, this is biological warfare against human on earth. March 21, 2020, 8:20 a.m. No.8501920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1925 >>1990

Part 1:


Event 201, Vaping, EVALI, CDC, Fort Detrick, Wuhan Lab, all connected.


Globalists from US and China worked together to kill everyone on earth, proof:


Virus was first released in the US, through spiking of E-Cig products.


On Sep 2019, CDC claimed an epidemic was caused by a new disease they named E-Cigarette Or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI).


But, Yale University medical scientists noting about the CDC’s new named disease EVALI:


“Federal investigators have not yet identified a single ingredient that causes EVALI…It’s therefore unclear how the condition develops or why, in the most severe and life-threatening cases, it causes the lungs to stop functioning altogether”


18 Feb 2020 - CDC reported "vaping" caused 2807 hospitalizations and 68 deaths.


Hundreds of millions of people worldwide use e-cigs and vaping products, this "vaping epidemic" only occured in the US, aside from a handful of causes with close ties to the US.


On the 2 September 2019, the date the CDC prepared to name this EVALI disease.


The same day, a little noticed US scientific research paper was published describing the exact same kind of lung damage being seen in vaping patients—a research paper titled:


“Human-Animal Interactions And Bat Coronavirus Spillover Potential Among Rural Residents In Southern China”


Wherein most critical to note about “predicted” the coronavirus pandemic two months before it occurred.


The paper was co-authored by:


Doctor-scientist Emma Mendelsohn - who works for the radical-leftist US-based non-governmental organization EcoHealth Alliance


Doctor-scientist Shiyue Li - who works for the Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan-China


The same Wuhan-China where this coronavirus pandemic began on 10 December 2019:


And more shockingly, CDC tests at the time could not detect the coronavirus, and was unable to distinguish between the coronavirus and water:

Anonymous ID: e33dfa Forget the politics, this is biological warfare against human on earth. March 21, 2020, 8:21 a.m. No.8501925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2071 >>2378

Part 2:




Fort Detrick, the headquarter of the United States Biological Defense Program, was responsible for releasing this to the US.


On 2 Aug 2019, the virus release was detected by United States Army Medical Command installation located in Frederick-Maryland.


To allow the spreading of the virus, CDC inspectors rushed into Fort Detrick and shut down its critical bio-defense laboratories:


First so called "vaping death" was reported on 23 Aug 2019:


10 Days later scientific paper co-authored by the American radical-leftist doctor-scientist Emma Mendelsohn and Wuhan-China bio-weapons expert doctor-scientist Shiyue Li was released.


A month later, on 18 Oct 2019, an invitation only group of the world’s top globalist-socialists elites gathering for a conference in New York City called "Event 201":


A gathering sponsored by the world’s 2nd richest man Bill Gates, who in 2018 warned “The world needs to prepare for pandemics just like war”:


The event "simulated" a coronavirus outbreak in an airport in Wuhan, China:


Followed another month later on 15 November 2019 when the CDC published a notice so they could immediately hire thousands of Public Advisor Quarantine Experts:


Quarantine experts no one else in the world besides the CDC knew to hire because the first coronavirus infected person in Wuhan-China wasn’t reported about until a month later on 10 December 2019


and because the CDC mysteriously flooded the United States with thousands of tests “that couldn't distinguish between the coronavirus and water”, are quarantine experts now in much needed demand throughout all of America.


Russiagate hoax-master anti-Trump US Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, gave a secret coronavirus update to his most loyal supporters without telling his own citizens, sold his stocks before the US markets crashed:


anti-Trump US Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, who used their secret knowledge to buy and sell stocks at the same time they were receiving briefings on the coronavirus:–regional-govt–politics/perdue-loeffler-among-senators-whose-stock-trading-during-coronavirus-raises-questions/YjEYsWqAVwZh52HTpl1EpL/


Why is Q silent about this?