Anonymous ID: 207120 March 21, 2020, 9:55 a.m. No.8502811   🗄️.is đź”—kun


GN muh glorious fagGOTS!



they pay us in kek shaped peanuts

the hours are long

the work can be grueling

but sometimes we get to see top anon walking down the hall and he usually smiles and waves!


You still down?

Stoicism and Altruism are also helpful attributes.



tell your fren they will get diabetes! kek



don't mess with muh and nobody has to die today! and in two breads! LUCKY! :D


Like the following shill is about to learn.



is that you muh shady? maybe it is muh jeffrey?

muh Payseur! Kek

What does it feel like to lose like this?

A few brave anons against muh Q army!

That must sting!

That's your pride fucking with ya….

Maybe Ramtha has a part time job for you?

Its not all bad scro, even tards can live great lives in our nation reborn!



the spice must



this meme was VERY satisfying to create



P =



forgot that one TQ!



Controlled op anon?

Poison the well, anon?

"Soros PUBLICLY donates 1 million to cali legalization effort" anon?

Aspartame + 100 other chems anon?

Self Choice means Fed.Gov out of the fucking way, stop working for big pharma and big fear factory = purtianic parents and muh puritanic religions.

Canna is scheduled above cocaine and LSD anon

Matt Whitaker works for a canadian CBD co.

You ever wonder why countries around the world are legalizing now?

Ask Matt…. he knows

Ask POTUS…. he is the one who made it happen!


Freedom anon

Logic and Reason

You think we would "work overtime" to ratify all those treaties for nothing?

rant off….



cute bunnies with big pointy teeth!

How's the Hunting?

Happy I presume?