Anonymous ID: 467c36 March 31, 2018, 9:21 a.m. No.850828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0898 >>0913 >>0975 >>1083 >>1369

OK anons lets DEBUNK these FE fags once and for all - i have conceived an experiment which any skilled plane, math, science or computer fag can conduct from their PC. (I, myself, cannot)

Here it is:


Step 1. Pick a GPS coordinate that corresponds to any precise fixed point at sea level.


Step 2. Pick a second GPS coordinate that corresponds to any precise fixed point at sea level 1000 miles away from the point in Step 1.


Step 3. Measure the exact distance between the points from Steps one and two - that is our Bottom Line.


Step 4. Calculate the GPS coordinate that corresponds to a precise fixed point 1000 feet above and at a 90 degree angle from the fixed point obtained in Step 1.


Step 5. Calculate the GPS coordinate that corresponds to a precise fixed point 1000 feet above and at a 90 degree angle from the fixed point obtained in Step 2.


Step 6. Measure the exact distance between the points from Steps four and five - that is our Top Line.


Step 7. Compare the measurements obtained on Steps 3 and 6. If the earth is curved these will be different (6 larger). If the earth is flat these will be the same.


Step 8. POST all your measurements and calculations so all anons can verify and repeat the process - once fully vetted by the anon scientific method the results will indeed be NOTABLE! No more back and forth and wasted bread.


Any takers?

Anonymous ID: 467c36 March 31, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.850847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0873

The now framilliar tale of murder and Arkancide if one gets in the way of the globalist narrative….


Tycho Brahe was a Danish astronomer and nobleman. He was the most famous astronomer of his day. He believed in the idea of a geocentric universe, a universe with Earth at its center.


Tycho Brahe made the most accurate celestial observations of his time and challenged the prevailing belief in how the universe was organized. He was a contemporary of Copernicus who created the competing heliocentric model.


Tycho Brahe built giant quadrants to make accurate measurements of the movement of the Sun during eclipses. These techniques are still in use today. In fact, NASA hired one of its former employees to diagram the 2017 total eclipse and he used the Brah method.


Brahe did not get into a FE issue - but he was getting dangerously close and this guy did not back down from trouble. Though his family badgered him to study law, Brahe chose instead to pursue astronomy.


In 1566, 20-year-old Brahe fought a fellow student in a duel over who was the better mathematician. As a result, he lost a large chunk of his nose. For the rest of his life, he donned a metal prosthetic to cover the disfigurement.


A mysterious death - Brahe died in 1601 at the age of 54. While attending a banquet, Brahe had drunk excessively. Customs frowned on excusing oneself before his host. Brah refused to leave to use the bathroom, and soon therafter died. It was thought his bladder to burst and led to his subsequent death.


However, scientists who opened Brahe's grave in 1901 to mark the 300th anniversary of his death claimed to find mercury in his remains, fueling rumors that the astronomer was poisoned. Coincidence? Another one bites the dust.

Anonymous ID: 467c36 March 31, 2018, 9:57 a.m. No.851076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1091 >>1098


yes i watched it and now want to watch the actual debate he spoke about so need to know where to see it

internet bloodsports didnt find that as a channel

is it this channel?

Jean-Francois Gariépy

Anonymous ID: 467c36 March 31, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.851231   🗄️.is 🔗kun


<Have you ever had an IQ test? Take one, then realize you are dumber than dirt and kys>


Globalist- same old thing, say something that does not fit their narrative and they threaten to kill you

Don't let the psyco's push us around

Keep it up FEer's